Ruger has a petition


New member
Sent one... even though I have sent several already... I think Ruger might have got the point that they cant lay down, or they lose a lot of customers.


Active member
I usually don't participate in anything requiring my personal information. This was important enough for me to do so. Thanks for alerting us of this.


New member
I have received emails from 3 of the Congressmen here in Florida after filling out the Ruger Online Petition. Below is the response from Dennis Ross - Fl, Rep.

As you can see, the Ruger Petition is getting to it's intended recipients. That said, not all the responses are as favorable as Mr. Ross's. Bill Nelson's certainly wasn't, but that was to be expected.


Thank you for contacting my office. I appreciate that you took the time to express your views on this important matter and am happy to respond.

The senseless violence which occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School has no place in our society and certainly has no place in our classrooms. As a Christian, and as a father, I joined Americans across the country as I followed the heartbreaking reports pouring out of Newtown, Connecticut.

Unfortunately, it did not take long for gun control advocates to begin using this disaster as a means to push for more restrictive and anti-gun legislation.

As your elected representative in Congress, I took an oath to protect the Constitution, and that includes the Second Amendment, which provides the right to keep and bear arms by all law-abiding citizens. As we move forward through the 113th Congress, you can be sure that I will fight against legislation that infringes upon your Constitutional freedoms.

It is an honor and a privilege to represent constituents like you of the 15th District of Florida. To learn more on how I may serve you, please visit Please feel free to continue to contact me in the future.



New member
Marco Rubio's reply was a basic we got your email. The only reason I bother to even post it is the line about not emailing anything that takes immediate attention to their Washington Address. Imagine that, it takes 4 weeks for them to get snail mail through the security in Washington.

Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Your correspondence has been received and I welcome the opportunity to address your concerns. Hearing directly from constituents such as yourself is truly an honor, and your input is much appreciated.

Please look for my response in the near future. In an effort to serve you better, please do not duplicate e-mails into the web-form, as it may serve to delay the response to your concerns. If you need immediate assistance with a federal agency, please call (866) 630-7106, toll-free in Florida. Please do not mail materials that require immediate attention to the Washington DC Office. Due to security screenings, postal mail can take up to four weeks to be delivered and will delay our response to your request.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio


New member
This is what I got back from Saxby Chambliss today...

Thank you for writing me regarding the right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Your taking the time to contact me is appreciated.

I have always been and remain a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. While I am certain that the president's proposal is well-intentioned, it is Congress' responsibility to make sure that Americans' constitutional rights are protected. We must make certain that the rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens are not unfairly impeded. I believe that the ability of sportsmen, hunters, gun enthusiasts and citizens concerned with their personal safety to own a gun, whether for sport or protection, is clearly defined in the Constitution and must not be compromised.

In response to recent tragic and high-profile acts of violence, there is a renewed focus on government regulation of guns. It is likely that Congress will soon have an extensive and detailed conversation about all of the potential causes of these crimes, including mental health issues, depictions of violence in television, movies, and video games, and firearms.

I know that dialogue regarding acts of violence will likely result in a wide range of legislative proposals seeking to address the underlying causes. As these pieces of legislation come before me in the Senate, I will keep your thoughts in mind.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of assistance to you in the future.

That " no compromise" bit is something I didn't expect to hear, but is pleasent, if he means it.


New member
Saxby Chambliss was consistently pro-gun while I lived in Georgia. The response you received is similar to responses I received over the years.

I received a positive response from Representative Sam Graves, and Senator Roy Blunt in my current home state. No response from Senator Claire McCaskill...


New member
I did my post this am......

Being from Connecticut...................
I'm not going to hold my breath....
Our two Senators are practically leading the parade..

Don'f blame me.....i didn't vote for them


New member
Done and sent emails out for it also and sent letters already to my reps.

I hope all the gun manufacturers are doing this.