Ruger Alaskan .454/.45lc


New member
Anyone have one of these? I have an itch for a big bore...I already have a 4inch Redhawk .44mag and really enjoy it, also have a couple of SA .45lc that I also really enjoy.... I like the 454 round and also like the idea of being able to shoot my 45lc loads in double action...
So, if you have one..what do you think about it? Accuracy? Recoil? Any and all info appreciated


New member
A 2" 454 will scratch any itch you have.

It makes great sense as a back up gun for hunting stuff with big teeth. Other than that I don't see much point in it.

It would work fine for 45 Colt but is entirely too heavy and bulky to carry comfortably.


New member
Someone on here said the one they had felt like a fire cracker going off in their hand!:eek: I know a regular SRH 454 is pretty darn stout. The Alaskan does look cool though and you can adjust your load to it as far as power is concerned.
I like mine, & find is surprisingly easy to shoot... the muzzle blast is fierce though



New member
Sounds like the perfect was to scratch my itch... will be used mostly for fun,, and will replace my Redhawk 44 for my yearly Alaska fishing trip...
I have a bandolier holster from Ruger that I use for my Redhawk .44 mag 4 inch, it has been very comfortable/ well made..I know they make one for the Alaskan as well..
Love my Alaskan

I love my Alaskan. Even the heavy loads are not as bad to shoot as some folks make them out to be. And, in the right holster the Alaskan is down right pleasant to carry and easily accessible.
BLS Grand Tetons and Ruger.JPG


New member
I imagine most of that slow 454 powder burn is going on outside of the barrel.

Have either of you guys shot a white paper target at close range? I'd be interested in seeing if there is much of a powder pattern on the target.
I mostly shoot at a maximum of 25-30 ft with my snubbies, never anything closer than 15 ft & never noted any "scorching" at those distances

Old 454

New member
I also have the Alaskan 454 Casull, and love it.

Iload all my own ammo for it, and there is nothing like sending a shot thundering down range.

Its a close in support weepon for sure. But its pure joy.


New member
I wasn't referring to a scorch as much as I was a peppering of the target with partially burned powder.


New member
I have one I picked up for fishing in AK. Just bought a new extended firing pin after having a FTF on a Buffalo Bore round. Found a write up about a systemic issue with the Super Redhawk line which recommends the FP change for reliability.

It is a beast! Seemed to have some of the chambers out of spec and sent it back to Roger and they fixed. Need to give good cleaning between shooting .45/454 or rounds stick.