Ruger 1911 Commander now listed.


New member
The Ruger MSRP is significantly less than the new Remington Commander's. It would be interesting to see a range comparrison of the two.


New member

The SR1911 CMD is definitely NOT "vaporware"...
Got mine the 2'nd week of January. :D


New member
SR 1911 Commander

The gip medalions on mine were ugly. They looked like a knock off. I complained to Ruger and they sent me a nice replacement. Ruger is still very good about makeing customers happy. I love this gun. It looks as good as it shoots. I'm going to have to get a arched mainspring housing for it, but thats just personal choice. I am going to order the Novac night sights from Ruger but for the most part this gun runs like a champ right out of the box.
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New member
I'm trying to wait patiently for Uncle Sam to send my tax refund so I can get mine out of layaway. I went to the LGS the first of January, intending to look at another gun. When I asked for help the guy behind the counter was checking in a few guns that had just come in and there was a ruger box. I asked what it was and he says its a 1911 I asked to see it so he hands it over. And I'm thrilled to see that its a CMD. While I'm looking at it one of the other workers comes over and says he hasn't seen one of the ruger 1911's yet so I hand it to him and say, "you can see this one, but its going into layaway now." So now I'm just waiting till Wednesday when my refund is supposed to be deposited and then it's coming home.