RTFT--Read The Frickin' Thread!

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If you don't have time to read the thread you don't have time to post on it.

I guess if it's a 5 page monster, that's one thing, but I just finished reading a thread that had only about 10 responses. More than one person posted in such a way as to make it clear that they didn't even read the SECOND post on the thread!

Worse than that, I've seen several cases where it was obvious that people responded ONLY to the thread title and didn't even read the INITIAL post on the thread!

What colossal egotism! It's blaring out that: "I've got something to say on this topic that everyone needs to read but I can't be bothered to read anything but the title."

Ok, go ahead and lock it now--I feel a lot better...
When I was a newbie (or a newer newbie) I did not know the etiquet(sp?) and was guilty of this as well. Give the new guys a break. They will learn eventually.


New member
good lord dude, calm down. The world is not coming to an end. They are probably new, give em' a break. Even if they should know better, so what?! it takes what? 20 seconds of your time to read a useless post. I'm sure you can spare 20 seconds if you are on here in the first place.

edit: it happens to the best of us.


New member
Ahhh the posting is too rapid! can't keep up. read edit to previous post. Didn't see the post above mine until it was too late so I had to edit it. low on food. surrounded by crazed weasels. send help.


surrounded by crazed weasels
What do you recommend for crazed weasels? I won't shoot one with anything less than a .224TTH. I hate having to track them if they run off with a round in them.


New member
I've expended all of the rounds for my mosin nagant, sks, 10/22, lee enfield and 12ga. and I am holed up in my room with nothing but a stapler and the will to survive........OH GOD THE SCRATCHINGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! [the growling of crazed weasels is silenced by the rapid stacatto of an office stapler] Oh god that's the last of them for now.... but..... look I only have one staple left and.......look just send help!........I never thought it would end like this.....YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!! [CLICK-click thud ]


The moral is--"When you're running low on staples and the weasels are closign in, always save the last staple for yourself."


New member
Well all I can say is I've never shot a turtle but the soup is excellent.
:D :D :D :D

Reading and reading comprehension should not be confused.


New member
I can't read all the responses right now, there must be at least 10 or so.

My life experiences on this subject are important, though. Being around trhi internet for years, I know all about people posting and not reading.

Since I don't have time to read the posts, I am going to assume that no one has yet mentioned that they are probably new, and to give them a chance.

Blue Heeler

I want to know more about the weasels! Where did they come from - oops
This thread is about weasles right? Don't you need Badgers, Rats and Moles and a hand-picked body of Toads (known as the 'Diehards' or the 'Death or Glory Boys')to counteract them?


New member

now PETA and the VPC and the Brady Bunch are going to call for stapler control to prevent the harming of crazed weasels.

better stock up on pre-ban hi cap staplers now while you can. Boxer, Schumer, Feinstein and Clinton just introduced SB001, the Assault Stapler Crime Reduction Bill of 2005. There's a Million Moron March assembling right now to march on Washington to demand a cosmetic feel-good law to give them the illusion of safety so that their children can go to the public school office and not be scared of crazed underpaid teachers going postal on them.

I've got a few pre-ban staplers with the optional electric firing mechanism that I'll let go for a few hundred dollars each. They come in either tactical grey or Ninja black. I believe you can mount a 1913 Picatinny rail at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions if so desired.

Better hurry, the Weasels are regrouping for another Attack!
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Bud Helms

Senior Member
Actually, JohnKSa makes a good point, but I don't think it will ever change. Sometime, when you see this happen, look at the post count of the offender ... it's not always a new member. Even though I try to stay up on the long threads and not duplicate previous responses, I know I am occasionally guilty too.
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