Rossi Ranch Hand


Rossi Ranch Hand pistol, .38spl/.357magnum; .44magnum, .454/.45LongColt...

The new NRA American Rifleman issue has a few items about the Rossi Ranch Hand "pistols".
I would look into & maybe buy the .38spl/.357mag caliber for the cheaper, more available .38spl rounds but the .454Casull/.45LongColt would be great as a real field or "ranch" type weapon.
By state regulation, I can only use a limited # of handgun calibers for armed security. The .38spl Rossi model could do well in remote or rural job sites as a 2nd gun or BUG(back up) to a duty sidearm. ;)
If by ATF policy, the Ranch Hand is a pistol then I could see using it.

FWIW; I saw a print ad a few years ago where a replica company in Japan made a line of Mare's Leg; Wanted Dead or Alive lever action rifles.
In the mid 1980s remake, actor Rutger Hauer used a 12ga SBS with a tact-cool red dot laser. If you never saw it, check it out. A&E/KISS rock star Gene Simmons plays a Arabic terrorist & Hauer packs a nickeled HK P7 9mm too.


New member
Mare's Leg

Does anyone have or used the Rossi Ranch Hand? Looks like a poor rifle and a worse handgun. How do you aim the thing? The price looks decent for a new gun but I'm not going to rush out and buy one. I'm mostly just looking for thoughts on the gun. It's kind of interesting to see one offered after watching Steve McQueen in Wanted Dead or Alive.

I share those feelings. I wonder what it would take to shoot accurately.
Despite that, there is a part of me, the less practical self, that would like to own one.

ohen cepel

New member
I think it's a really cool concept and I appreciate Rossi/Taurus making it. Not sure I will buy one but I do think it's really neat.

Was pondering it last night while reading the new NRA magazine and I was really interested till I read the magazine capacity. With only 6rds and a 12in barrel I would rather have my Ruger .44 10in revolver with 6rds in it, I already know how to shoot that one well.

If I didn get one would need to put a std lever on it also. The large ones just don't work well for me. Look cool, but not practical since I'm not going to be wearing huge gloves with it or twirling it.

Still think it's cool though:D

Charles Ellis

New member
Winchester made the 1892's with barrels as short as 14in.(Trapper Carbine's)While these could have been reconfigured into Mares Legs,it would have made a nice handy carbine into a terrible pistol and I doubt that more than 1 or 2 were converted.I know of none.The new Mares Legs could certainly be converted to short barreled rifles.Federal law has provisions for such changes(money,money,money).State laws may be and in many cases probably are different.In my mind a 12in.barreled 1892 win in 44mag or 454 Casull would be a great woods deer and hog gun.

Jim March

New member
I see no reason why these can't be shot accurately. And 357Mag or better out of a 12" barrel is going to kick major amounts of butt, esp. in a hunting role.

Attach a sling on the back that goes around your strong-side shoulder and you can then lean forward into it, relying on your shoulder for the "pull". That would be perfectly kosher under fed/NFA rules.

As a practical personal defense piece? Yeah, I don't think so. WAY better stuff you can pack for that kind of heft.

And you'd have to buy a brown coat to go with it...


New member
An interesting piece of tie-in merchandise for a 50 year old TV program. The idea was to create something that would lead to immediare recognition of the character and program-cf the Buntline Special and Paladin's distinctive outfit.
I had a toy one as a kid-don't think I ever watched the program.

Jim March

New member
There's not too many Firefly/Serenity fans reading this thread, are there?

Too bad. Y'all are missing some GREAT stuff. This critter or something a lot like it was a major prop.

As to AWA's pump version: it's in 45LC only and the pump-action just isn't as good a "basic engine" for this as the Winchester '92. Even made by Rossi, that design can be worked on - it's extremely solid, some of the best 19th century engineering ever.

44 AMP

Movie/TV prop

Legally a pistol. Pistol caliber. 6 round capacity. Vestigial stock. 12" barrel. OK, its cool looking, but I think a good revolver in the same caliber(s) would be more practical, and easier to shoot, and carry.

Nothing wrong with it being a fun gun for looks and plinking. I have several guns with limited real world practicality, just for the fun factor.


New member
other hollywood mistake.

Brought to you by the same folks that used to have 15 or 20 round Colt SSA revolvers years ago, and today are convinced that every bad guy carries a gun without a round in the chamber so they have to rack the slide or pump a shotgun before they shoot!


New member
In the opening credits of The Riflemanthere is one more shot than the magazine capacity of the rifle, the producers wanted the sound to synchronize with the music.
"The difference between the men and the boys is in the price of their toys."
Yes, in the TV program "Josh Randall" has 45-70 rounds in his belt for visual impact.


New member

Some real life stuff in "Appaloosa". No quick draw, Show up for gun fight with pistol already drawn, take carefull aim, fire, reload, leave town. Also carry the most powerful shotgun possible. They got it right. The end of the movie was the real deal.
I'm trying to figure out what this is doing in the revolver forum.

I've never seen a lever-action revolver before (OK, the Savage pistol of Civil War fame, and the Volcanic...)