Ron Paul just ended his campaign


New member
It doesn't matter whether what he said was correct, or that what he said was taken out of context. Paul's statement will be interpreted as saying 9/11 was our fault and thats it for him.

For all of you who support him, do us all a favor and vote for one of the true conservatives in the race since a vote for Paul now means nothing.


New member
The question was about removing the troops from Iraq, and Paul stated that these types of wars create enemies and that Bin Laden's justification for attacking us was that we meddle in the middle east. Right after Paul stopped talking, Guliani teed off and asked Paul to either retract his statement or clarify because it sounded to him that Paul was stating that it was "our" fault that we were attacked on 9/11. The crowd erupted.

Paul was given the chance to respond and instead of clarifying he gave examples of how we have meddled in places like Iran and then asked how would we feel if China was leaving bases in our country.

He put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.


New member
We'll see. Dr. Paul spoke plainly and he spoke the truth. People often don't like to hear the truth. But those of us who value truth and freedom more than the status quo will continue to support him.


New member
most prefer the propaganda to the truth.
most people cant handle the truth they dont want the truth.
they are drunk from the wine of babylon and need more or else they get a headache from thinking too much specially when it counters the sweet lies they have been feed and accepted with little if any questions.


New member
Paul is right

Paul was given the chance to respond and instead of clarifying he gave examples of how we have meddled in places like Iran and then asked how would we feel if China was leaving bases in our country...He put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

***Sadly, telling the truth is the kiss of death in America. Ron Paul chose to tell it like it really is, and of course, no one wants to hear it. Pandering to those who refuse to understand anything about blowback, all the others on the Fox panel tonight were loudly outraged at what they took to be criticism of US policy over the years.

No one wanted to hear from Paul about how the CIA overthrow of a democratically elected government in 1953 Iran resulted in the Ayatollah. No one wants to hear that US bases in Saudi Arabia had anything to do with 9/11. And certainly no one wanted to hear Ron Paul say what I've said before: how would WE feel if the Chinese were occupying our country and choosing our government for us (like we are doing in Iraq).

Ron Paul is a bold man who isn't afraid to tell truth to power (the power of the flag-waving Republican base who will select their next candidate.) Of course Paul doesn't have a prayer now, if he ever did, but I'm impressed with him more than any other candidate.

In case anyone here wants to learn what blowback is, I suggest you get a few books by Chalmers Johnson, starting with Blowback, then on to the Sorrows of Empire, and finally Nemesis. These won't tell people what they want to hear, but are definately food for thought for those capable of actually thinking.


What he said was true and needs to be said. Doesn't get said enough. We have a government that has become "aggressive abroad and despotic at home."
These terrorists aren't just "evil people" who are out to "destory everything we are" these are fanatical people who hate us because of our meddling in foreign affairs. It's abhorrent to me to think of French or Chinese troops stationed here in Texas. We didn't care much for Redcoats walking our streets and towns. Why should other countries feel any different.

I'm not defending the crazy muslim jihadists of 911, neither is Congressman Paul, but we did indeed bring a lot of that on ourselves

HEY, are y'all watcing FOX. Apparently it worked to his advantage! He got 30% approval among the other candidates! (think I read that right) They are just talking about how it did get a lot of attention and got him noticed by people (approvingly) when he got "slapped" by Rude Guliani for his bold statement


New member
I thought everything Dr. Paul said rang true from his points about the Department of Homeland Security to his points about our meddling around the world. The fact that foxnews is touting what a "powerful moment" Guiliani's supposed rebuttal was is merely a reminder of how far out of touch the Republican party has become.

And its also an indicator of how willing these people are at deceiving not just themselves but the rest of the country. There are reasons why Bin Laden declared Gihad on us, and its not just based on our "freedom." Anyone with a little bit of history under their belts understands its a complicated mess over there in the middle east, and actions that seem benign to many Americans look quite poor to those on that side of the globe.

Bin Laden's chief grievance has always been our stationing of troops in the Holy Land (in this case Saudi Arabia) -- however now that we're stuck in the quagmire in Iraq it only serves to further his interests. As well as the radicals in Iran and the rest of the middle east.

Of good note: Foxnews just acknowledged that Ron Paul is winning the debate based on their poll! This is inspite of them declaring his political career over a few minutes ago... hehehe... maybe we still have a chanec


New member
For all of you who support him, do us all a favor and vote for one of the true conservatives...
Show me one and I'll be happy to consider him for the office. Unfortunately the ONLY candidate to come forth to date who truly understands the Constitution is Dr. Paul.

Meddling in other peoples affairs tends to make them cranky. It does with me.


New member
+1 Doug..I was just about to mention that! Ron Paul is ahead of all the other potential candidates in the phone-in poll!
I find myself very much in agreement with what Paul has said...well, most of what he has said...that said, I say good riddance...he has no business in being in charge of anything, let alone my country...what an far, I'm stickin' with the Democrats.


New member
My vote will go to Ron Paul or a Libertarian candidate..I will NOT vote for one of the other Republican contenders..or a Democrat.


New member
In all fairness, yes one of BinLadin's stated grievances was that we had troops in Saudi.. that it was at the request of the Saudi leadership when Iraq was rolling into Kuwait apparently doesn't matter. (For what it's worth, OBL pledged his Afghani troops to 'em, and they decided on us instead. I guess he felt snubbed. :) )

So yeah, that whole "Infidel on the Arabian Peninsula" thing certainly didn't help things (whether Gulf I was a wise idea is another discussion for another time).. but even a cursory review of the radicalized Jihadi writings* will show that yes indeed, they do "hate our freedoms" and do envision a world-wide Caliphate under Sharia**. And yes, given their beloved tactics of kidnapping, televised beheadings, and randomly blowing up civilians, I'd say yes.. they are evil.

And so no.. it's not just us "meddling in their affairs" that's the root cause of this thing. It's just that being the next "Big Dog on the Porch" we were the next most obvious target after the USSR left Afghanistan. We'd have been on their psycho hit list eventually regardless.

That Paul doesn't understand that is a fatal flaw to my mind, but obviously he's got plenty of company on both sides of the aisle even now.

*Did I say all Muslims? No, I didn't. I said radical Jihadi.
**No, I don't think there's any serious possibility of that. That won't stop them from continuing to murder people in all sorts of dramatic ways in their attempt - until and unless they're wiped out.


+1 Doug..I was just about to mention that! Ron Paul is ahead of all the other potential candidates in the phone-in poll!

Probably a fairly accurate poll too. Most people can easily whip out their cell from their pocket or hip and text message in R7 or Rseven a lot easier than booting up their computers and looking for FOX online or calling in from the landline.
I just text messaged mine in.:cool:


New member
I find myself very much in agreement with what Paul has said...well, most of what he has said...that said, I say good riddance...he has no business in being in charge of anything

Is that sarcasm or do you just like to contradict yourself?


New member
enc0re - it doesn't seem to be on their website yet... but they're mentioning the results every few minutes on tv

Thanks, I don't have TV. I thought I had turned stupid not being able to find it on

And I looked hard too. :eek:


New member
just tune in and watch for a few.

Ten candidates, and Ron Paul is at 30% right now; Romney in 2nd at 27%

Do the math...first two guys get 57%, next eight guys get 43% divided among them. Not scientific or conclusive, but encouraging.