Romney clarifies reports on hunting.....sort of

"So you'll go and vote? For who?"

There's a reason for a blank spot on the voting ballet. It's not only a right, but a DUTY of the American citizen to vote. If one doesn't vote, my opinion is that person has NO "right" to gripe about what is/will happen in our country because one sits on their butt at home while others put their $.02 in on tuesday.


New member
All that needs to be said about Romeny is that he already signed one AWB into law. Where he stands is very clear no matter how much he claims to be on the side of the gun owner.


And it was never really intended to be taken seriously

Mine was

There's a reason for a blank spot on the voting ballet. It's not only a right, but a DUTY of the American citizen to vote. If one doesn't vote, my opinion is that person has NO "right" to gripe about what is/will happen in our country

How many times have I stood there debating with myself whether to write in " Mickey Mouse" because I figure he would do about as good as the choices offered with a little box to check. I never have, and in such cases picked what I believe to be the lesser of two evils but I tell ya I am sick of that. we need some men with honor and substance that will stand for what they believe and believe what they stand for. not this spin try to please everyone PC fantasy land BS we get fed so often. I dislike it vehemently to my very depths it sickens me sometimes such spineless men some of our leaders are. grrrrrr
A quote from a Governor we had when ask a question by a reporter" I will wait till to see what the polls say before I comment" spineless! IE I will do/say anything to get reelected. He was/is agood man but has learned how to play the game and win.
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New member
This guys CROCK is so easy to see, it scares me that he thinks pro-gun people cant see it.
Then i think again and see him as going for the un-informed people who just dont understand gun right issues.

Bottom line is he is transparent and very scary.


New member
This guys CROCK is so easy to see, it scares me that he thinks pro-gun people cant see it.

Really makes me wonder who he has advising him on issues. At times it looks like it might be John Kerry......


New member
"If you are to be my leader you must have honor, lier's have no honor."

Now tell me, what crook er i mean politician doesnt/hasnt lied? I dont trust ANY of them.