Romney clarifies reports on hunting.....sort of


New member
Officials in the four states where Mitt Romney has lived say the Republican presidential contender, who calls himself a lifelong hunter, never took out a license. Romney says that is because he seldom has hunted where he needed one.

Romney has been criticized for changing positions on issues such as abortion and gay rights during his campaign for the Republican nomination for president. Although he once supported strict gun control measures, he has spoken in favor of gun ownership rights while on the campaign trail and joined the National Rifle Association as a "Lifetime" member last year.

He does not own a firearm, despite claiming to earlier this year.;_ylt=Ao9VVatEG3T7weAQoGUVlm_MWM0F


So he's an NRA life member now. And he was an anti gunner at one time and he's a hunter I mean .. Well Mitt what side of the fence do you stand on and what is it that you stand for man ? Make a decision and stick with it.
We can accept that your not really much of a hunter just say it man GEEZE.
And just because he says he's in favor of gun owners rights now doesn't mean he won't flip again and give us another ban. But if McCarthy has her way it won't matter anyhow.


New member
Romney is a very interesting candidate, but on many important political issues he's flip-flopped more than the International House of Pancakes.


New member
After reading this article earlier today, I only have 3 words about Romney.

Weasel! Weasel! Weasel!

Bad ideas:
Holding a cat & running a dustbuster at the same time
Dust buster + gunpowder


He does not own a firearm, despite claiming to earlier this year.

If you are to be my leader you must have honor, lier's have no honor.

Ok here ya go, this is a lie, correct? so if a guy lies about this how are we believe he will "now" support our rights once in office? We can't.

Scott Conklin

New member
Romney is a gun-grabber. Rudy is one. So are Hillary and Obama...and Edwards...and Newt is nothing to brag about... Add in their big-government, big-brother, big tax, globalist-leaning and generally pro-abortion, adulterous histories and what do we have?

Good reasons to stay home election day...


New member
I know of one guy who's been consistent. Fred Dalton Thompson. Who's with me?

And he's not really a sleazebag unlike some others. He left the senate even though he'd probably win relection. But he's always been dipping back in. Like he loves politics but is not all about the power and greed.


New member
In the up coming election.. it looks like its going to be less of deciding who's the best canditate and more deciding who scares you least. I'm not happy with the way things are shaping up.


New member
I'm not interested in hearing from any politician who equates gun ownership to hunting. Hunting is clearly not the intent of the 2nd Amendment. I don't care if Mitt ever hunted; What I do care about is that as Governor of MA, Mitt was an avid anti gun ownership politician. He supported the onerous anti 2nd Amendment laws of that state. He can tell me he hunted all the bunnies in the world, including the Easter Bunny, but the fact of the matter is, as Governor of MA, he carried forth an anti gun agenda. The man is clearly a liar and for Wayne LaPierre to have made nice with this guy, speaks volumes to as to LaPierre's credibility.


New member
If you stay home, the dems will surely win. We MUST apply as much political pressure as possible. Write real letters (e-mail get less attention) to your representatives at local, state and national levels. Make your points while being respectful and polite, but be firm. Do not make threats. Simply remind them about the shift of power that happened last time an AWB was passed.
I considered Mitt when I first heard he was runninng. But after checking out his record on MA,(should have known better anyway), I can't vote for this guy. I hope Thompson puts his hat in the ring. Then I'd consider him. Right now, though, I'm leaning towards Tancredo...


I just saw something on Fred Thompson on Face the Nation.
They were saying that since he came onto the picture Rudy's numbers went down considerably and Mitt was on the bottom of the pile where he belongs.
They said it looks like he shot himself in the foot with a gun that doesn't own. They didn't even mention Ron Paul. Too bad. I think the best hope we have at this point is Fred.


Go nader!

If you don't want guns and don't want to hunt and would much rather hug trees and bunny's vote Nader..

That fool has been spewing his foolishness since the 60's. So in 40 or so years anyone has a OK idea once in a while but over all this guy is a nutcase.


New member
Go nader!

If you don't want guns and don't want to hunt and would much rather hug trees and bunny's vote Nader..

That fool has been spewing his foolishness since the 60's. So in 40 or so years anyone has a OK idea once in a while but over all this guy is a nutcase.

Even though I say it I haven't voted yet. But as of right now to me on all issues nader is more desireable than most others. I still need to look at Ron Paul a bit more and find out where he stands on the issues that matter to me. And it was never really intended to be taken seriously.

Scott Conklin

New member
That quote is wrong on more levels than I can count...

No, it's not. The list of potential would-be dictators currently being offered isn't a "list"; it's the same political entity with different monickers. So you'll go and vote? For who? Which one of the equally abhorrent things will you give your support to? And when the victor does just what their history says they will do, despite current statements and claims, what will you say you accomplished? Will you support them afterwards like so many former conservatives do Shrub, based on party label?

Tell me, if nothing better comes up between then and now, why SHOULD one vote for any of them? When no candidate represents you the honor in voting is where? Sorry but the fact is none of these cretins deserve my vote. It's better than them.