Roberts renominated for Chief Justice

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Garand Illusion

New member
I'm just curious ... what can a "chief justice" accomplish that the others can't. He just has one vote, right?

Does he have some special say in which cases the court sees? Does he give assignments to people to write up rulings?

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
OK, I'll bite. Some of the names I've heard bandied about... and the reasons:

Judge Joseph Wapner - Trusted by many Americans, but his age (86) may be against him.
Judge Harry T. Stone - Known to work through the night.
Judge Reinhold - Demonstrates an active knowledge of police work.
Judge Judy Sheindlin - Cuts through the bull with her no-nonsense attitude.

And your prospective nominations would be?


60 years old? Damn, that's too bad.

At least as long as she thinks just like me. If she's liberal, she may be too young ;)

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Rebar, just read that also.

My initial thoughts (as I haven't had time to research the lady) is that this is cronyism at its best. Sigh...

Its beginning to look as if Bush is the true stealth candidate here. Unless there is something to hang a hat onto, Bush and the Republican Party may have just washed its base down the drain.

One of the CNN reports says that Miers' name was one of those on the "No Filibuster" list. If this is true, then all the promises of Justices in the manner of Scalia and Thomas were just sound bites.

I actually can't imagine a worse pick.

I'm locking this thread and starting a new one. Please post further comments there.
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