Remington R1 Enhanced Problems and Issues With Their Customer Service


New member
I've got the same experience with Remington with my Marlin rifle regarding the shipping complexities. In my case, the gun (an 1894SS/44Mag) had to go back twice and I could neither bring the gun to UPS or pick it up there.

Remington/Marlin has a special contract which will only allow pickup and deliveries to the originating address. This likely works fine if you have a business which is open and somebody is there all day anyway. If you have to be stuck at home without a definite pickup or delivery time, it's pretty annoying.

Minorcan, all this is good to know and to stay away from these CerberusCapital/FreedomGroup companies of which there are several:


New member
It's one thing to have quality control problems (bad) and another thing to have poor customer service (not only bad but makes things worse). The op seems to have made every effort to let Remington fix their problem but it appears that they just don't care and there's nothing that someone can do to make them care.

This is no answer but I think at this point in time I would ask for a refund and simply return the pistol. Remington has had plenty of time and opportunity to fix the problem (sounds like there may well be more than one problem, i.e., lemon) and it's clear they won't. I would hate to sell it to some other innocent party unless with full disclosure.

I wish the op the best and am sorry that a fine company like Remington used to be seems to be headed to a bad place.


New member
Aguila, I know you know more of the technical side of 1911s than me. By zero space I mean that the extractor needs to hold the case firmly enough to, well, hold it. This may not be zero but very close . All my other 1911s do this. The space on this pistol is over 60 thousands inch. The case is so loose the hook can' grab the rim. The firing pin stop seems reasonably tight.

I don't plan on selling this unsafe pistol to anyone. It's my problem.


New member
Minorcan, I understand fully now thst you have taken all reasonable measures to get Remington to resolve the issue short of using theiir repair facility. Although inconvenient for you perhaps a friend or relative can hand the package to the UPS driver. When my FFL buddy was in the hospital I accepted his shipments, signed for them, and secured same in his hassle and did a friend a favor as his represenative.
Many small repair facilities will take more time to analyze and correct a problem than a factory service center backed up with repairs.


New member
I bought, I am looking for an option to do this as a last resort but they also work during the day. Alas, I'm not retired yet ... LOL

Recoil spring

New member
Remington issues.

I sold my Remington 700 last year, had purchased it new around 2011. Never could get it to shoot that well (.308). It also had a burr in the chamber that scratched the brass casings pretty bad, read that is a common issue with them. The dealer I sold it too was reluctant to accept it as it had a warranty recall on the trigger for it's vintage and they would have to send it back to the factory, keeping the gun out of their inventory for weeks.

I had done a trigger job as well as everything else to try to get it to shoot well, told them there is nothing wrong with the trigger, but knew about the recall as it was posted in all the gun magazines at the time of purchase.

Bought a box of Remington .380 pistol ammo 6 months ago and noticed that one of the primers is in backwards, making it useless for shooting. The rest of the ammo shot fine in my mouse guns. Had owned a Rem. 700 in .243 in the mid-90's and it too refused to shoot well, had flyers. My first shotgun, a Rem. 870 Express was on the crude side, also sold that. Replaced it with a Browning BPS, a much nicer shot gun. I am totally to the point of not buying Remington anything.

I wonder how long they will last?


New member

I thought I would post an update, only good thing I can say is that Remington CS is consistent. As per above, I have a R1 Enhanced that has been nothing but trouble. Failure to cycle rate is about 20-30%. Tried several magazine, ammo and weight types. It is back to Remington or I should say to a third party contracted gunsmith. I was told that Remington can't repair their 1911s in house so instead of going back to the factory they contract warranty repair work out to third parties. Mine is a 9mm, the original issue was the ejector fell out on the first range visit. The retaining pin was too short. They sent me a new one and I installed it. It didn't help so I performed a case retention check on the extractor. There was over 60 thousands of an inch clearance between the case and the breech face when there should be none or at least tight enough to hold the case. It seems that they had put a 45 acp extractor in my 9mm. They sent me another extractor and no change so I tried a Wilson Combat 9mm extractor, it helped but I still had 5-10% failure to cycle. I also had an unintentional discharge when the firing pin block jammed the firing pin in a forward position so when the slide went forward the gun fired without the trigger being pulled. I removed the WC extractor and installed the one Remington sent and shipped the original back as instructed. I called Remington CS and they told me their third party gunsmith had polished the chamber and removed the replacement extractor and re-installed the original extractor. The gun was being shipped back to the Remington factory for test firing. It seems the third party gunsmith didn't test fire the gun before or after his work. He also must not know the difference in 45 and 9mm extractors or how to perform an extractor test. At one time I was an avid Remington fan but no more. This is the company that ruined the Marlin lever guns, messed up the R51 and finally admitted a issue with the triggers on the 700 series rifles after years of saying nothing was wrong and they were safe, not so. I ended up buying A Springfield Armory Range Officer and it has run lawlessly for 2000 rounds so far. The SA Range Officer is the pistol the R1 should have been but was not. I would not go with any Remington product, I would buy another Springfield though, it's a great shooting pistol and very accurate.


New member
I hate hearing this but it seems that a once great and honorable company is on the way out. Minorcan, get the police involved on your Springfield criminal. :)


New member
I hate hearing this but it seems that a once great and honorable company is on the way out. Minorcan, get the police involved on your Springfield criminal.

Maybe I misunderstand your intent but the criminal if any is Remington, the Springfield is the good guy. I really like the Range Officer it is a very reliable and accurate pistol at great price point.