Remington 597 VTR Handguard and Stock


New member
File this one under FYI for those who own or are thinking about owning a Remington 597 VTR.

I did some tearing down of mine, and discovered that my hunch was correct- there are exactly four parts on the thing not shared with the regular Rem 597 or with the AR-15. Those parts are the side plates and the front and rear receiver blocks.

First, the handguard. It is a regular free float tube. The tube itself can be unscrewed from the nut, and the nut can be replaced with a standard AR-15 barrel nut. This means that any free float AR handguard that will clear the barrel and has its own handguard nut will fit. If you want to add rails, just find yourself a handguard you like (assuming it has its own barrel nut) and go to town. I'm likely to swap a Troy TRX Extreme onto mine.

Next, the pistol grip. Standard AR-15. Find one you like.

And the stock. The VTR has a basic commercial sized stock and receiver extension- any commercial sized stock will swap right on (Magpul MOE, whatever). The tube removes just like a collapsible tube on an AR-15- loosen the castle nut, retract the endplate, and unscrew the tube. You should be able to swap it out for a milspec tube if you feel the need, or you could also install an A2 style stock (or go from the A2 style stock to a collapsible). Since the endplate is standard, you should even be able to swap it out for something with a sling swivel if you feel the desire.

I know many folks don't really care, but for those who do, have fun with the info.


New member
Glad it's useful to somebody.

And if there's any doubt, here's photo proof:

First, the front receiver block and handguard tube:


Next, the receiver block and handguard/barrel nut. It doesn't actually hold the barrel on in the 597 VTR (obviously), but it's an off the shelf AR free float handguard that uses its own barrel nut.


And with the nut removed and threads visible:


Finally, with a standard AR-15 barrel nut threaded on:



New member
Magazine for VTR

Love the VTR 597 but hate the mag. Too wimpy and skinny looking. I did find some aftermarket ones that look way better and AR-15 like. I can send pics if you like.


New member
Yup, it will work.

The key is that it has its own barrel nut- you will pull the handguard and nut off the existing front receiver block, then install the nut for the handguard, then the handguard itself.

Since it stabilizes off the barrel nut, it's good to go on a 597 VTR.

I'd recommend the rifle length one unless you just want it shorter- you've got plenty of barrel hanging out there, and IMO, the extra handguard length won't hurt.


New member
How do you get the threaded receiver adaptor off of the barrel nut?
Mine came off on the foregrip and out of the receiver and I can not get it out for the life of me. Any idea where I can get another one of those?
I don't even see it on the parts list. Wah!


New member
I'm not sure what you mean by "threaded receiver adapter."

Are you referring to a handguard piece? The front or rear receiver blocks? The actual barrel attachment (the wedge)?


New member
The threaded pipe that's coming out of the foreward receiver block.
Sorry...I don't know what it's called and it's not on the parts diagram.


New member
Which pic above shows the part?

I can't tell if you're referring to the handguard itself or the barrel nut (it isn't a barrel nut on the 597 VTR, but it would be on an AR-15).

If the handguard (first pic), use a strap wrench. If the nut (second pic), you may need an AR barrel wrench, although a strap wrench would likely work fine too- mine wasn't on there that tight.

Some VTRs have a rubber grommet on the inside of the handguard/nut- it tightens things up rather considerably and makes it rather difficult to remove. That grommet is unnecessary.


New member
I think what he means is that the barrel nut is still attached to the "pipe nipple", however the "pipe nipple" is no longer in the receiver block. That sound about right Drucifer? If so then an AR barrel wrench and a strap wrench would work, or TWO (2) strap wrenches should work as well. Keep us posted. -Goodspeed


New member
It's the 3rd pic.
The threaded pipe piece that comes out of the foreward receiver block.
I'm going to try the 2 stap idea.
I've already mangled the threads a bit trying to remove the bloody thing with a big vise grip and rag....yes, I'm desperate.
Is that piece a Remington part that I would be able to purchase?
Anyone know what it's called or have a part #?
Thanks a lot guys...really appreciate it.