Reloading supplies sold out?


New member
Live in the greater northwest and all our stores are sold out of almost everything(even wally world). Local stores all say they have everything on order but, no one seems to know when anything will be recieved:eek:. All the online sources are back logged six weeks or so. Is it this bad everywhere?:confused:


New member
my local GS have not had SPP since August 2012!

Internet cites are out too..... very bad now.

start another hobbie for a year or so.... hopefully the pols will still let you do this when suppliers have inventory once again...

i live in ny and we will need background checks for this stuff soon.... no internet sales of ammo either....UHG!


New member
Order from powder mountain or another big distributor and wait until they can fill the order. If you don't have stock, the supplies are really thin up here right now.


New member
There's always archery, muzzle loaders and airguns.
Knife and tomahawk throwing, too.
If you know someone old enough, ask them what it was like during WW2.
There was just about nothing for civilians.
Maybe a tube of bbs for the Daisy or a dusty old box of ammo from the backroom.
We've had it pretty good mostly.


New member
I searched high and low to find some .308 Winchester brass. Had to settle for 100 fire formed (used) cases. Aside from the .308 cases I'm in good shape. Saw this shortage coming as soon as the last one ended.


New member
Get yourself on the email notifications for when it comes in. I picked up 7K primers from Natchez last week that way.


New member
MidSouth is showing September for some of their primer deliveries. I hope they are wrong or only diverting orders.


New member
What scares is the reports I've been hearing from all over the country of the rank amateurs going into stores and buying reloading equipment. That is, everything except LOADING MANUALS! :eek: They're apparently getting their info off the internet and u-tube. Sure don't want to be next to one of those guys at the range. Goat


New member
Few days ago I took a long drive back in the hills to a remote Mom&Pop gunstore and snagged their last can of Power Pistol... It felt kinda like Christmas... You cannot find ANY .22 rimfires around here.


New member
Heheheh g.willikers, hehehe I just thought about pulling out my old E-tool and putting a razor edge on that dude..:eek:
Goatwiskers your frightfully right about them greenhorns not buying manuals, in the 20 min time period I was at Bass-Pro, looking for bullets, there was two young men filling a cart with presses and handtools and maybe four sets of dies,( I couldnt tell what type of dies), I said to one of them," what you fellas loading" one said quietly " were not sure yet, can't find any primers", I asked then " which manuals do you fellas like best?" and the other one chimed in " we don't use manuals they're too confusing" and I quote.:eek:
I left and still I pray I'm no where near the place they test those loads!!:)


New member
Here in West Central Florida there does not seem to be a shortage of Reloading supplies as of yet. My LGS shelves are full of reloading supplies including presses. I also have a local store that specializes in reloading and he is fully stocked with no shortages in component. He also has all equipment needed to start reloading. I found this place by just driving around he carries all the major brands in presses. Plus he sells his reloads to the public.

This past weekend I picked up 3500 small pistol primers and Monday I picked up 3500 large pistol primers. I will be buying several thousand primers every week when I go to the range. They will only allow you to purchase 6000 primers a day. I also picked up several 1000 .38 125gr jacketed bullets and several 1000 .45cal 200gr bullets. I need to pick up some 9mm bullets and some .44 bullets then I will be set for awhile. Because I have several 1000's of rounds of brass saved up.

When I get paid next week I will probably go to the reloading store and finish stocking up on supplies before we see any shortages here.


New member
Hey, Florida Guy, when you are done stocking up would you ask if they do mail order or have a web page:) just asking


New member
I have been reloading for many years. Unlike many other hobbys I enjoy, reloading is greatly affected by politics.

IE;The 1993 inauguration, the 2009 and now the 2013 inaugurations. All have devastated the supply chain. The 2013 is by far the worse I have seen. My advice for anyone who enjoys this hobby is to hoard. If the current buying panic is like the rest, it will take at least 6 months before things return to normal.
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New member
I asked then " which manuals do you fellas like best?" and the other one chimed in " we don't use manuals they're too confusing" and I quote.

Hey guys, I have to tell you... I started reloading over 3 years ago, have reloaded (with a hand press) over 17,000 rounds in .38 spc, .357 mag, 9mm, .380 ACP, .45 ACP, .44 spc and .44 mag and I own ZERO manuals. So far (knock on wood) no errors and only one high primer that temporarily locked up a revolver. I keep good records on my computer, a small database of info gleaned at various web sites that is cross-checked against other sources to make sure I don't just take someone's word on a "good load". I would put the safety of my reloads up against ANYONE'S.

Good (and timely) information is available online before it gets into the manuals. Any questions can be posed here and several have been very generous in offering advice.


New member
Glad to hear that you have been so blessed Space, But I think I would rather study as much as I can before attempting something that could cost me limb or life. Not knocking what you did at all, I am actually impressed by it. But like I said, its not my cup of tea to do things that way.


New member
I'm with spacecoast, I started with a lee loader both pistol and shotgun 45 years ago and reloaded plenty of rounds without a manual. Finally bought a manual after 5 years of pounding shells out with hammer, that after I brought a press and dies.

I imagine if you want to eke out that last 50 to 100 fps you might need a manual with some new powder, but if you go with a starting load off a IMR website or pamphlet, you aren't going to get yourself in trouble.

Did I need to take a driver's ed course to learn to drive a car? I might want to get instructions if I'm going to race one however.