Reloading prices


New member
Don't let anyone try to sell you that line about "Reloading saves you money." It ain't true. You're gonna spend the money. It's just that reloading lets you shoot a LOT more for the same price.

I've been handloading for almost 40 years. I started with a single stage press, but my shooting has been steadily increasing to the point where a progressive press is really a necessity - I'm a Cowboy Action Shooter. I fired around 4,000 rounds in competition alone last year and have already exceeded that amount this year.

A single stage press will not supply you with enough ammo to shoot 300-500 rounds every week unless you're spending ALL of your spare time loading. I can easily load 800 rounds of 357 Magnum on my Dillon XL650 in about an hour. I can load about 500 on my Dillon 550 in the same amount of time.

The only thing I still use the single stage press for is limited runs of hunting ammo, but it excels at that.


New member
I agree with the "it costs the same, but you shoot more."

If you use components from you're looking at about
$60 per 1000 rounds of 9mm
$75 per 1000 rounds of 45acp.

those are estimates. If you cast bullets, you'll save a lot more as that's the most expensive part. I use all commercially available stuff and my 45's are right at 7 cents each..... walmart sells winchester 45 white box for 28 cents a piece.... uh, ya, way way cheaper.

If you use jacketed bullets, your costs will be much higher.