

New member
Went to my first gun show today and had a great time.

But something struck me as odd: more than half of the (few) women in the hall were redheads.

This left me scratching my own strawberry-ish hair in puzzlement. Was it just a statistical burp? Or is there something about redheaded women that attracts us to guns?

I'm wondering about the women on TFL, how many of you are redheads too?


"Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an armed citizen? I don't like to be coddled and I don't like to be treated like a minor child. So I waive immunity and claim my right -- I go armed." -- Longcourt Phyllis in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein


New member
Psst ... pax ... the "in" color right now is red. If you looked really closely you probably would have seen not-so-red roots on most of htose women. ;) My own hair has a little highlight added to it. While indoors it looks like a warm brown but I've noticed lately that it really shows up "red" out in the sun.

Remember: First you pillage ... then you burn!


New member
Blue, that was my first thought too. But -- I kid you not -- most of the redheads I saw appeared to be real redheads, not redheads from a bottle.

Of course a dye job isn't always so obvious anymore, but still...


"Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an armed citizen? I don't like to be coddled and I don't like to be treated like a minor child. So I waive immunity and claim my right -- I go armed." -- Longcourt Phyllis in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein


New member
PAX Said
"I'm wondering about the women on TFL"

PAX so am I! :D
Where do all you TFL women hide anyway? Blueyedog, Eye see (no pun intended) we meet again, pax dont believe a word she tells you about me, their all lies I tell you, lies! :eek:

There are a lot of redheads because of all the irish blood, you know how hot tempered they can be. Ask my buddy HKG3, he'll tell you. Red heads must just like weapons a little more than there counter parts. I mean they are all related to William Wallace one way or another right?

Ragin Cajun

New member
You may be on to something there. Saturday my wife and daughter both took and passed the CWP test. Wife's a real red head and daughter has real red highlights.


New member
Maybe its part of that fiesty redhead syndrome? :D

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"

Redheads... :)

The first truly great love of my life (unfortunatly unrequited) was a redheaded beauty in college.

When I found out that she was a shooter, I fell even harder for her....

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.

Jeff Thomas

New member
oberkommando, William Wallace was Scottish!

Don't mess with the Scots ... ;)

I didn't notice a large percentage of redheads at the gun show this weekend, but I did notice a significant number of very attractive women. Of course, I kept my attention on the guns ... ;)

Regards from AZ


New member
Jeff, you beat me to it...both lines.

Sam.....used to have hair but lost it so long ago that can't member what colour.

Miss Demeanors

New member
LOL BLUE!!! I have never dyed my hair but sometimes I see that red in the sunlight too. I thinks its brown, but then there are red and blonde highlights....uhhh I think it just has a mind of its own. But I think red is the color thats 'in' now. Alot of women dye their hair when the gray comes in too (as I will do when that dreaded time comes) so maybe thats it. Or like someone said above its a chemical reaction between the dye and the Hoppes :) Not sure what to tell ya Pax.


New member
Miss D,
Hide gray? Now who would do something like that? ;) I'm only 37 but all the white hairs I have are clustered into one group in the middle of my forehead ... kind of gives me that Peppe le Pu look. :rolleyes: Luckily you can't see it as long as I don't pull my hair back. It's a toss up as to whether I will color to cover it or not. On one hand, I feel I have earned each and every one of those white hairs so I should wear them proudly. On the other hand, they make me look old. :( Decisions, decisions. ;)

Remember: First you pillage ... then you burn!

3 gun

New member
Redheads rule. Wish I'd been at that show.

Be careful what you ask for..You may get it.
An unloaded pistol is a paperweight.


New member
I know that WW was scottish but it sounded good. My non German side and name is scottish, but most people associate them together.Few no the difference between them, Scotch & Irish that is.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited September 11, 2000).]


Staff Alumnus
...but most people associate them together.Few no the difference between them, Scotch & Irish that is.

Woe unto the rest of the world for their ignorance. Haven't you provincials seen Braveheart? The Irish are a bunch of screaming, brawling, smelly, uncouth barbarians.

(pausing to wipe away a tear)

...and I love ye, me bruvvers! :D


New member
But ya know where those redhead genes come from in scotland don'tcha?

they arrived aboard Viking long boats!

i had a redheaded girl friend that i lived with back in college...




New member
Haagar the flatulant was lost when his longboat grounded on the Scottish Isles in approx 406 ad. Having no inclination of his whereabouts he and his crew made themselves at home.

Sam...follow me, I know a shortcut.


New member
Please, ladies and gentlemen - like my wife says, "I'm not dying my hair; I'm just restoring it to its original color!" Henna is inah!!

Safe shooting - PKAY