Redhawk or Super Redhawk?


New member
The super redhawk will probably balance better with the scope mounted on the frame as opposed to being on the barrel rib. The hogue grips are also fantastic. The regular redhawk is just all around beyer looking though...


New member
The RedHawk is a good looking gun. I prefer the Super RedHawk for a hunting pistol. I would install Hogue "Tamer" grips first thing. This should really help with recoil. Next I would go with an UltraDot in 30mm for sighting. You could go with a scope, however I prefer a Red Dot on a revolver. I have scopes on my Contenders. You can contact Ruger and swap out the 1" rings at no charge for 30mm if they are new and unused. I would then get a Green Marble Fiber Optic front sight. This is good for back up, or when you just want an open sight gun. It may or may not need springs, and a little polishing. I have had 3 Supers, one 44 and 2 of the 480's. I still have the 480's. I changed the springs and did a little polishing on the 44. My last 480 came from the factory with a better trigger than the spring kit gave. I would not get a spring kit till you see what you have.

The UltraDot comes in Black and Silver. The Black looks better on the Target Gray 454's and 480's. I would go with Silver on a Stainless 44. I got my last one from UltraDot West. They also had a Scope Coat for it. Good Investment.

Field Carry: I carry mine in a Boyt rectangular case that I have had 4 Dee Rings added to where the handles attach to the case. (Leave enough room to get the Dee Rings together for the sling to attach) I then attach a Strap for over shoulder carry like a muzzleloader possible bag. This works pretty well and protests the gun.



New member
One of the main differences is trigger reach. The Redhawk's is longer. If you have small or medium hands, the Redhawk's trigger reach may be uncomfortable. The SRH fits average hands better.

The SRH is actually one oz. lighter at 53 oz. than the Redhawk, both with 7.5" barrels.


New member
one difference to point out is the grips - they have completely different grips for the RH and SRH. For shooting heavy magnum loads, I think you have better choices in grips with the SRH. I have the RH and the only grips I've found that work for me are the Pachmayr Presentation grips and the Uncle Mikes grips (which are discontinued but still available).

With magnum loads, you really have to shoot the gun to know if you like the grips.
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The Super may be ugly, but it is the bang it gives that is well worth it. Depends on what you want it for. I want to be able to shoot the highest powered .44 magnum loads available for and Idaho woods gun. For that the SRH has no peers.


I bought one of the Redhawks when they first came out, for
IHMSA silhouette shooting. It was real easy to do a trigger job
on them, by taking em down, stoning the engagement surfaces of
the trigger and hammer, and then end up by cutting a coil or two
off the mainspring. You could get it down into the 2 lb area and
smooth as butter! The only problem tho, was that push me- pull me
main spring. You would then have a gun with 2 lb trigger, that
would only set the cartridges off about 50% of the time! Obviously,
that was no good in a gun to be used for competition. I have
no idea why Ruger didnt just make the trigger-hammer spring
setup, just like the Security Six revolver.


New member
Pachmayer makes a decelerator grip for the Redhawk. I put one on my wife's gun and it works well. Here are some detailed views:


Comparison with factory grip:




New member
I would go with the Redhawk because I think it is a good looking gun and think the Super is ugly.

Best reason I can think of to get a Redhawk instead of the "Super" version. It's been said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". In my estimation, the same could be said about ugly. :)

Of course, there's another old adage that might have an application here when deciding between these two fine revolvers: "Form should always follow function."
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New member
I have the non-Super Redhawk, but it is still pretty darn good. The Super hadn't come out yet when I bought mine. I only shoot factory ammo, more .44 specials that .44 mags so it works fine and looks better. If you are going to shoot 300gr loads and mount a scope the Super might be the way to go, it boils down to what you are going to do with it.