Redfield revenge made in the Philippines

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TX Hunter

New member
I just found out that Redfields new Revenge Scope is made in the Phillipenes. The Revoloution is made in America. After all that hype about building scopes in Oregan they go and do this. Its upsetting, and disheartening !!!


New member
I would not get wrapped around the axle on that.

I have Nikons made in Japan, China and the Philippines and they work just fine.



New member
After all that hype about building scopes in Oregan they go and do this.

For 40+ years i have owned a few dozen Leupold rifle scopes and had no problem problem until recently. i bought an FXII 4X32 scope that would not zero. That scope was returned and i received a replacement that would not zero. No more Leupold products for me: i know where Leica and IOR Valdada scopes are made.

Leupold has long been less than forthcoming when it comes to the source of their less expensive optics are made and where their scope parts come from. Its a fact that many, if not all, of Leupolds green ring optics are made in China.

Leupold got greedy and decided they could make more money by having some of their products made in China. Now those products have been copied by Chinese companies and sold all over the world. The Chinese company that makes legitimate Leupold products has copied Leupold products and sold them out the back door of the Leupold plant.

A Chinese company owns title to the Leupold trademark in China. Fake Chinese made Leupold scopes have flooded the US and other countries.

Leupold made a pact with the devil and then complained to the US congress:

Before we begin to recount the history of what has transpired in regards to Leupold’s efforts to trademark and protect our brand LEUPOLD in China, I do want to state for the record that Leupold has strong business partners in China. Most companies and authorities that we have dealt with in China and certainly those relationships and partnerships that are currently in place are based upon mutual respect, trust, honor and proper business ethics. From Leupold’s
perspective, we find it most unfortunate that with such positive business dealings with our many partners in China that a single company could cause us such problems.

What is more troublesome however is that with the extent of trade between China and the U.S. and all of the international agreements, conventions and protocols that China has acceded to, one would think that the PRC intellectual property laws would not allow such behavior. That has not been the case, at least from our experience over the past five years.

In December 2001, Leupold & Stevens learned that an application for the word mark LEUPOLD, in English, had been filed in the People’s Republic of China for goods including those manufactured and sold by Leupold & Stevens. That application, filed for goods in
International Class 13, was owned by a company called SAM Optics (Nantong) Company Ltd., hereafter SAM Optics. Note that Leupold & Stevens has never had a relationship with SAMOptics in any capacity, either as a distributor, retailer, or manufacturing partner.


New member
I would not get wrapped around the axle on that.

I don't think the OP was referring to the quality of the scope- just that it is not made in the USA, and that he prefers to support those manufacturers whose products are manufactured here.


New member
While I much prefer such things to be made in the U.S. the outsourcing is a way of life, and we can learn to live with it or avoid some products. But we don't have to like it.


TX Hunter

New member

I was upset because when the Redfield Revoloution came out and I watched the video about it. It brought tears to my eyes. I imediately bought one and love it. Now such a short time later they take the same name that they pulled from the ashes, and do this to it. Im sure the Revenge is a fine scope, but i wonder who Leupold is trying to get Revenge on ?


New member
I prefer to buy "Made in USA" whenever possible and have 2 Redfield Revolution scopes. Love em. But Japanese scopes may actually be better and Filipino scopes are a giant step up from China/Taiwan junk IMO.


TX Hunter

New member
I called Leupold and asked them about it. Even their Technical Support Man sounded sad about it. Im ate up with it but will have to get over it I guess.


New member
Leupold got greedy and decided they could make more money by having some of their products made in China. Now those products have been copied by Chinese companies and sold all over the world. The Chinese company that makes legitimate Leupold products has copied Leupold products and sold them out the back door of the Leupold plant.

It serves them right. I hope this serves as a lesson to other storied American marques.

But it probably won't.

old roper

New member
I have no problems with that scope being made overseas you have to look at the base price for the 4plex 2x7 @ $140 up to the 4plex 6x18 @ $250.
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TX Hunter

New member
OLd Roper that was about the price range for the American Made Revoloution that was supposed to be an American made scope built to compete with the foreign made scopes. I guess it was too good to be true. I just wish they would be required to put MADE IN THE PHILLEPINES in big print like they do with the American made stuff they are proud of.

old roper

New member
TX Hunter, I guess what some like about that scope is the options like the Accu-Range Reticle and ballistic holdover feature that adds about $30 to $40 depending on scope.

One thing is for sure if the shooters don't like it be a big flop for Leupold but it may be a good entry level scope and find a place in the market might be better than you think.


New member
I have Burris FFII scopes that are fine scopes for the money that are made in the phillipines. Its hard to turn down a scope of that quality for the price, no matter where its from or made. At least its not made in china. :)

TX Hunter

New member

If it were any other company i wouldnt think anything of it. I hate this, i bet it was a Bean Counter that pushed them to it!


New member
I hate this, i bet it was a Bean Counter that pushed them to it!

A company has to operate making a profit if they want to stay in business. In a down economy they have to make a product that will sell. Consumers have driven them to move production off shore not bean counters, They have obviously seen a need for lower cost scopes to the consumer that they can't produce in Oregon with American labor.

Why do you think the Ruger American, T/C Venture, and Savage Axis have all came out in recent years? Consumers can't buy as many $600+ rifles as they used to and the companies are making a living producing mid $300, low $400 rifles. These companies have to stay afloat, and there is a market for cheap products right now.

You can be upset about it all you want or stick to the American made product. Until the economy turns around I think you'll see more USA made products pushed off shore. Thoes bean counters are doing there job as long as Leupold's doors are able to stay open, so if you want an American made scope then you'll have to pay the American made price.


New member
Leupold got greedy and decided they could make more money by having some of their products made in China.

I don't think it has anything to do with Leupold or any other company being greedy and trying to make more money. The real reason is that American consumers would rather buy cheap China stuff than spend a little more for USA made products.

It is true of most products. When American companies make quality stuff it sits on the shelve's unsold while comsumers snatch up much lower quality items to save a couple of dollars. I'm sure it is not an easy decision to do things like this, but companies have found it is the only way to survive.


New member
I've watched and participated in outsourcing at work (at my former job). It was done to remain competitive. We closed plants in the US and Europe and built in China and India. On a personal basis it really bothered me, but in today's world economy if you aren't competitive you are history. Everything started changing fast in the 80's, and I was there to watch it (petroleum and petrochemicals) and it wasn't just in my area of business. A buddy from high school was making deer stands in rural Louisiana. Next thing I knew, he outsourced to Mexico. Then he outsourced to China. Then he shut down the business because drunk American hunters kept falling out of the stands and getting hurt and sueing his company (and winning). But back to scopes...I'm sure Leupold and the others are just trying to survive. How many threads have I seen on this forum that say "what's the best $100 scope I can buy?". And "what's the cheapest decent 223 I can buy?". The blame here is just as much on us, the consumer, as it is on anyone. And I'm not just talking about hunting stuff. The whole thing reminds me of something I first heard in the Marines..."If you aren't worried, then you obviously don't understand the situation".

TX Hunter

New member
603 Country,

I agree with you, I heard that too when I was in the Marines.
I hate the fact that we as a people are our own worst enemy, We snatch up the cheapest thing we can get, and as a result put each other out of work.
When a Kid Graduates College, Trade School, or gets out of the Millitary, and finds that the best he can do is a minimum wage job at a shopping mall trying to sell Chinese goods, we have ourselves to blame.
I will continue to buy American Made Products as long as I can, but Im only one Man, and am not eneough to keep a Big Company afloat.
Welcome to the days of the Low Wages, and Generic Goods and Service.:mad:
In the video I watched about the Revoloution Scopes, its was so nice to see the American Workers Happy, Smiling and proud of their work, its sad to think now that those same people will probably be recieving their pink slips soon. Im sure I will have one to look forward too in future years myself. Bummer.:(


New member
Scope makers could have it all made in the US and make money. But since CEO's and stockholders are so greedy the "profit" margin has to be higher which means they'll send it to China. Not necessarily any quality problems (if the parts are "assembled" in China and not MADE in China) but it's the greedy management sending all this stuff overseas. Now if the company is originally from overseas (Nikon etc) then it doesn't matter to us at all.

Now look at all the Asian and German auto makers that have found it's more economical to build factories in the US to build the cars. Makes you wonder. Maybe it's not our labor cost as much as how our factories are laid out that keeps the cost higher?
In Deluth trader they have USA made Jeans for $75. They also have some made overseas to the same spec are $35. You won't see me buying the $75 ones. More than double the price!
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