Recommend inexpensive 9 mm range ammo

Please recommend some inexpensive 9 mm luger 115 gr fmj range ammo for a non-reloader. Since the brass belongs to the range if it hits the floor, is there any reason not to use steel case and/or remanufactured ammo? I want to stay away from cheap ammo if it is more likely to be unsafe for either me or my Sig.


New member
I don't think any of it is unsafe with the possible exception of very old mil surp. Blazer aluminum is usually well priced but many times brass cased can be found for the same money or less. I personally would stay away from steel cased. It may cause a little more wear to the extractor, magazines etc..
I also feel that the 124gr ammo is a little more accurate.order in bulk from some of the online ammo places like sgammo, natchez, etc....


New member
Whatever you can get around .20 a round. These days that is the lowest I see brass cased ammo unless you are in a state where Walmart is selling Perfecta at $6.97 a box of 50.

If your guns feed steel cases ammo you can maybe get down to $.18.

If you are willing to buy in bulk you can get better ammo at the same price as the bottom of the barrel stuff. I find case lots of 1000 and you can get high quality 124gr for the same price as cheap 115gr.

I reload these days but I did buy a case of Greco 124gr for $220 delivered.

Another great source for factory reman is Freedom Muntions you can get is for right around $200 delivered for 1000 rounds. Brass cased and as good as most factory ammo.
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New member
Don't overlook the Rusky stuff if you don't reload. It did well in an accuracy test on the Box o Truth website ( I have thousands of rounds through my Glocks without the first problem. That said, 9mm is super cheap right now so you may be able to support American workers without paying much more. I find Winchester and Federal fmj to be acceptable, but the Remington stuff always seemed really dirty and not as stout as the other brands. Give your email to the Freedom Munitions website-they are always having a sale on the various calibers and their stuff shoots great. Lots of good options out there.


New member
Steel and aluminum cases can void some warranties and some ranges don't allow them.

There's Federal Champion, Remington UMC, Winchester White Box, Aguila brass, etc. If you have an Academy near by, they sell Monarch (Prvi Partisan) pretty cheap.

You could also buy in bulk from a company like SG Ammo or Freedom Munitions and get something like $0.21 per round, sometimes with free shipping


New member
Whatever's cheap at Walmart.

Lately the cheap 9mm at Walyworld has been Perfecta (just under $11/box). It is brass cased and made in Italy by Fiocchi but imported by Tula. Everyone thinks it is the same as the Brass Maxx that was previously imported - just has a different label and box now.


New member
FIND A NEW RANGE!!!!!! i'll be damned if they are keeping and selling my brass after I already pay for the time and targets. I haven't found any ranges around here following that practice. BUT.....obviously the customers haven't made much of a fuss about it to make them rethink it, so why not...

anyways, if your a heavy shooter, like several thousands of rounds a year, I would stay away from steel cased, not that the steel "case" hurts anything, but the bi-metal "jackets" on the steel cased bullets are proven to reduce your barrel life. if your only running a couple hundred a month, I wouldn't care, your likely not going to be wearing out a 9mm barrel. some guns just won' like it though and it can be hard on extractors. I am not against steel ammo though, I have only had issue in one small rifle caliber and have shot gazzilions of 9mm tulammo, never had a problem, some do have issue with the unusually hard primers.

if I were you, and were not planning to reload in the future, I would try several boxes of the black and red tulammo from Walmart, makes sure your gun likes it and if it does, you can buy 1000 rounds for 200$ from bulkammo etc and be done with it. I don't like WOLF or Brown Bear because of the heavy lacquer.

if you find Russian steel not to be up to your standards/repeatability/reliability in your fire arm, then I would go with brass cased Privi Partisan or "PPU", they make fantastic ammo at way better prices than any other brass-case. clean, accurate and consistent and will only run you about 30$ more per thousand than steel, and collect what you CAN for reloadind when get serious.

lots of people like BLAZER, I don't find the charges to be consistent and don't like the brass for reloading. but you may have a 100% different opinion and they are worth a try, plus a tad cheaper than the PPU

i know you may not wanna drop 250 bucks on ammo at once, but you will be so happy you did once you have it and don't have to be bothered with it anymore and it saves a ton in the longrun, not to mention footwork. I highly recommend playing with bullet weights before settling on a bulk buy, unless you are practicing to mimic your defensive ammo or for other reason. I can rarely tell the difference between 115 and 125gr shelf ammo in terms of accuracy, but I have a 9mm pistol and a rifle that really shines with 147gr bullets.


New member
If your range allows it, don’t rule out steel cased ammo. I’ve shot a lot in my Berretta 92FS. It’s plenty accurate too. I made Master classification in Combat Pistol using 115 grain Wolff.


New member
For the range, Freedom Munitions, Magtech, Fiocchi, American Eagle, Blazer. All good, reliable, ammo. Also Federal Champion. Remington UMC seems smokier and dirtier than others.

Winchester White Box used to be cheaper, but I don't believe that to be the case any longer.
Hot damn if I didn't get some good answers. I have been buying whatever is cheapest at Wally World, but may order some bulk ammo based on the above. Thanks for the 411.


New member
I have seen Federal red box aluminum at Wally World too. I tend to prefer aluminum over steel. That said, be aware that depending on the gun my experience is the extractors don't get a good grip on the aluminum and it tends to go everywhere. Locally to me a number of the shooting stores tend to get pretty good deals on Blazer Brass which has always been decent for me.


New member
FIND A NEW RANGE!!!!!! i'll be damned if they are keeping and selling my brass after I already pay for the time and targets.

That really is a disturbing trend taking hold, isn't it? :mad: Personally I agree, if you can, take your business elsewhere. However, to answer OP's question: Steel case is fine. If you don't want to roll your own, I'd go with whatever is cheapest.


New member
Shop around and usually in store walmart is cheaper.
I saw 100 rounds of Winchester for $26 at walmart and at places like gander mountain it's usually $40-46 for the same box.


New member
I don't know if what you shoot is ammo sensitive, but I have not had any problems running PPU from Wally World in a USPc, SR9c or PM9.


New member
"If it hits the floor it's ours?" There are really places like that? I've heard of it, but never seen it. Not only does the range where I shoot, let you pick up your brass, they'll sweep it up for me and give it back to me. I assume they do for everybody else. When I'm shooting a revolver (usually), they'll bring me other peoples 38 brass and ask if I want it.

But to the OP's question, I'd just shoot whatever was either cheap or convient. Lately for 9mm, which I don't shoot often I just buy the ranges Aquilla? Is that the right spelling? Seems pretty decent and works fine in both my 9's.

The real answer of course is learn to reload. It's not expensive, and it's not hard.


New member
For cheap range use I have been buying bulk quantities (500 to 1,0000 rounds) of American Quality reloaded and new POBJEDA MAXXTech, both 115g FMJ depending on which is on sale. Have had no problems with either through 3 different 9's. For putting holes in paper they do the job.


New member
Federal 9 mm in aluminum case from Walmart -- $9.97/50 rds. The product cycles my Hi Power and Browning BDA just as well as brass for less money. The product is just fine.


David :)