Recoil Magazine Editor's ANTI-RKBA Commentary/Opinion.. WOW...


New member
The Right to Keep and Bare Arms. What does that mean to me? If my next door neighbor wants an Abrams tank, and can afford it, more power to him.

Same for for any full auto...if you can afford to feed it, have at it. I think the NFA34 and GCA68 should be repealed. They are totally unconstitutional in my book.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Rob is so correct on sporting purpose.

Two countries lost gun rights in recent history. Australia and the UK.

In both, the gun community went the sporting purpose route and lost decisively.
The gun communities contributed to that. I have UK gun magazines that denounced the humanoid and blood lust aspect of American IDPA and IPSC, esp. with our humanoid targets indicated we want to kill. That's not a sport.

In Australia, a man's sport is an identifier of his manhood. The shooters thought that wrapping shooting as their manly sport, the rest of the country would go along after a massacre. They were wrong.

Having weapons so closely designed to kill and used by nuts did make a sporting argument. Practicing to kill was offensive in the heat of the moment. The 'tool' or 'sport' argument is useless and only convinces the choir. The gun is not a pliers or bowling ball.


New member
One could argue that firearms designed for sporting purposes and sporting uses of those firearms may not be protected by the 2nd Amendment. These arms and their uses may be more regulatable by federal and state governments than are arms designed, kept and/or carried for anti-tyranny (or, as recognized in Heller, for self-defense) purposes. There may be other bases for protecting rights related to sports, including hunting, but that is not the objective of the 2nd Amendment.

This distinguishes us from most other countries in the world. It may be difficult for foreigners to understand -- heck, some SCOTUS justices don't understand it -- but thankfully we have the Bill of Rights that is not (supposed to be) subject to the whim or emotion of the population, even if they comprise a majority.


New member
Looks as if Jerry just stepped down as editor.

It is with deep sorrow that I announce I am stepping down as editor of Recoil, effective immediately.

It is very difficult for me to walk away from something I helped create, something that I loved doing, and something I firmly believed would appeal to a fresh new generation of gun enthusiasts, but I accept that the comments in my story in the current issue have made my position as editor of Recoil untenable.

With that said, Recoil is bigger than any one person, and if my departure will allow Recoil to continue to grow and engage gun enthusiasts, then stepping down as editor is clearly the right thing for me to do.

I accept I made mistakes, and I apologize unreservedly for calling Recoil’s support for Second Amendment rights into question.

While I understand the passions aroused over this incident, the deeply hurtful words from some of my fellow gun enthusiasts have been painful to endure. I hope now we can all move on.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who have supported me over the past few days. These are the people who know me to be at heart a passionate gun enthusiast whose dream was to make something bold and new in firearms media.

Jerry Tsai