really.. a mountain lion

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Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
EnoughGUN, if I saw a cougar here in south Jawgia at my wife's place, I'd just smile and say, "Hey, that's neat!"

At my place in Terlingua, we're sometimes bum-deep in lion poop. One morning I found fresh tracks of five different lions not all that far from my house. So, nice trophy and very good meat...

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
A buddy of mine shot a young male at his goat pen, one night. He butchered it out and did a barbecue. Yummy-tasty. I can see why the old-time mountain men were said to regard it as a prime delicacy.


New member
Ate some cougar before at a potlatch, along with bear and seal.. cougar is much better than bear and seal..

Plenty of cats where I'm from, IIRC you can take 2 a year.


New member
If you want to bait a mountain lion just hop on your ten speed and go for a late nite ride.

Seriously though, I have a client who's 30yr old son was attacked and killed by a mountain lion in California. The theory is that the cat had mistaken him (on a mountain bike) for prey. However, there wasn't much left of him when he was found...

Sad as it may be, if I was to ever spot one in my neck of the woods, I would do my best to put it down. If it's me or the cat , I'll choose ME every time.

W. C. Quantrill

New member
Cat hunters in our area make a crate out of 1/4" welded wire, about 3' x 6' by 4' tall. They put a goat in the crate and then wait. The goat doesnt like being alone and will begin calling loudly. The crated goat is placed in an open area that can be watched from a good blind. It is necessary to stay in the blind for long periods of time, but eventually a cat will come to that goat especially if the goat is allowed to get hungry and bleats more.

The welded wire panels should be small enough openings that the cat cannot get its paw through to rake the goat.

The longer the goat is there making scent from urine and feces, the better the bait becomes.

Check your local laws.


New member
why get rid of it

In response to Enoughgun. House cats dont attack kids and horses. I dont feel that the benefits of the cat's presence outweigh the risks to my community. As described it previous posts the park is used by many school groups and other patrons. This park is very important to the recivery of my community and an attack would have devastating consequences on many levels. I am a strong believer in the natural order of things when it is appropriate but this is not the right place for this cat. I would be amiss in my responsibilities to my community if I didnt take action. Not on MY WATCH.I would like the moderators to go ahead and close this thread. Thank You to all the comments. Your insight is all taken under consideration. CW
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