REAL gun show annoyances


New member
In Illinois we still have the 3 day waiting period even in gun shows. The shows tend to be a long distance from Chicago. If I were to buy something, it would mean another 3-5 hour trip. Not worth it.


Active member
In Illinois we still have the 3 day waiting period even in gun shows. The shows tend to be a long distance from Chicago. If I were to buy something, it would mean another 3-5 hour trip. Not worth it.

Clock, it seems to me that the FFL's would get together and offer their services at a reduced rate - that way you can buy the gun; have the seller hand it over to a dealer in your area and you just pick it up from the close-buy dealer.

In fact, I'd like to see gun shows require that all FFL's in attendance agree to do transfers for a set fee of, say $15.00, if asked.


New member
I have no tolerance at all for Nazi sympathizers, courtesy of having known people who survived the camps.

I have no sympathy for Nazis either; I had relatives murdered by the Nazis in two occupied countries.

I would have loved to see your reaction at one of our local gun shows; There were two older German gents who were actual Nazis and were proud of it. One was a little more vehement about it than the other. I believe they have both passed away since.

I learned that no amount of logic, facts or otherwise can change a zealot; They understand one thing, and that is violence.:mad:
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New member
In fact, I'd like to see gun shows require that all FFL's in attendance agree to do transfers for a set fee of, say $15.00, if asked.

I doubt that's ever going to happen. Too many FFLs are greed motivated.

(And I really get tired of hearing about how 10 minutes of paperwork is worth $50.00-75.00 because it is so much trouble and aggravation. it's just plain greed and profiteering when you hide behind an unjust law as an excuse to put your hand in another man's pocket.)


New member
The one's who agreed to the $15 fee would get a lot more transfers at the show than the one's who were greedy, no doubt about that.


New member
The guys that hang around out side the doors and do "Dealing" with out the license.

If you lived in a gun-friendly state those guys would be normal gun purchasers (like me).