Range Report: Sig P365


New member
Hi Pblanc,

You said...
Fourteen out of fifteen broken strikers reported were with pistols manufactured from March 5 to April 9, but one pistol manufactured on May 18 was reported to have suffered a broken striker.

I said,
Striker issues were very small and limited to some P365 with build dates from March to mid April.
My apologies that I missed the May 18th.
I stand corrected.

You said,
The respondents reporting broken strikers constituted 8.43% of those who participated in the poll. I am not sure I would call that incidence "very small".

The actual report indicates:
Have you experienced a broken striker with your P365? (Earliest reported Striker issue MFG date 3/5, oldest MFG with Striker issue reported 5/18)
YES 15 / 8.43%
NO 163 / 91.57%
Ironically something that you did not say is that very few strikers broke while shooting..most actually broke while dry firing their P365.
These numbers are also elevated because Sig received a bad batch of strikers.
Today with actual spec'd Sig Sauer Strikers there are no numbers because the good strikers do not break.
This is what you would consider a snapshot of bad strikers.

You said,
As for dead triggers, which are presumed to be due to breakage or dislodgement of the trigger bar spring, these occurred in pistols manufactured anywhere from March 5 to May 21 inclusive.
But 6 of the 8 reported dead trigger failures occurred in pistols manufactured from April 20 through April 29 inclusive. Dead triggers were reported by 4.49% of those who participated in the poll.

I knew of one TRS (Trigger Return Spring) on March 27th. however I was not aware of TRS issues before that.
Whether they were isolated incidents or not.
I will try and get some actual Born on dates and Round counts.

I went through every forum thread that discussed the P365 and as far as Trigger Return Springs (TRS) this is what I posted"
I continue to do so and if anyone posts that they are having a problem that is P365 related... I update this list.
The good news is that there have not been any!

I actually had 9 people with TRS issues between April 20th to the 29th.
More than the survey reported.

Hi all,
OK here is the summary of Trigger Return Springs (TRS) issues at SigTalk..

*Looking Forum wide I have discovered 10 people with a TRS issue.
Please add anyone that you know of that is not listed here.

*Of those 10 people the highest round count was 425

*Born on Date of ALL TRS issues range from April 20th to April 30th. except for Paingod's Born On Date of March 27th. Thanks to Tars

*Here are the 10 people starting with earliest Born on Date (BOD) and moving forward..

1) Paingod's
Round Count: 300 Rounds
BOD March 27th
Not sure how he snuk in with a March 27th BOD. but he did.

2) FlipGunz:
Round Count: Less than 40
BOD: April 20th.

3) GrandRover:
Round Count: 264
BOD April 20th.

4) Godawgs82:
Round count: 152
BOD: April 21st.

5) Mtorline:
Round Count: 292
BOD: April 21st.

6) Rdavidad:
Round Count: 100
BOD: April 25th

7) B2Haz:
Round Count: 50 then he reset TRS and got to 112
Only person to put the TRS back on and continue with it happening a second time.
Clearly he needs to have his P365 sent back to Sig
BOD: April 26th.

8) Aceman4:
Round Count was not given
BOD: April 29th.

9) Big1:
Round Count: 200
Big1 sent his P365 to Sig for a TRS issue and after getting it back had a second TRS issue and sent it to Sig again.
BOD: April 29

10) Richardca99:
Round Count: 425
BOD: April 30th.

Before everybody starts freaking out about their own P365...
You can ask your self a few questions..

What is your Born On Date
What is your Round Count?
I expect that the TRS will go the way of the Striker, it was a speed bump that will soon if not already with May builds forward be in the rear view mirror of the past!

Could someone go to the survey and not post anything about it on the forum...Yes it's possible.
I think that there is enough to get the picture.
If your worried hit the range..Once you hit 500 rounds your good to go!
I think that you should at least shoot that many before you carry any gun!

It looks like you have spent some time at SigTalk and that's good.
It also means that you are aware of how well the P365 is doing.
The overwhelming number of satisfied never a hiccup P365 owners!
Many with high round counts in the thousands such as myself and never a problem.
Just a joy to shoot.
We could bicker numbers back and forth all day but hopefully you've gotten the true picture.

Do you own a P365?
Find me a post about a unhappy P365 owner.
Even guys that sent their P365 to Sig for a Striker or TRS still Love the gun.
Just something about it.
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New member
If your questions were addressed to me, no I do not own a P365. I do own five other SIG pistols.

I have been interested in the P365 since its introduction as a possible replacement for my M&P Shield, and I have followed the information posted by owners on various forums pretty closely. I am aware that the pistol has been very popular, and that most owners are very happy with how it shoots. My concern is not with shootability. This pistol is clearly geared towards concealed carry. I certainly have no desire to own one for use solely as a range toy.

And to that end, I am not really interested in how many trouble free rounds you or any other P365 owners have shot with their pistols. My concern is what is the likelihood that a P365 that I purchased would be reliable enough for self-defense use.

As for calling a P365 good to go after shooting 500 rounds, we certainly know that has not been the case for a number of P365 owners. Tim's pistol in the MAC video had the trigger go dead at a round count of "nearly 900 rounds". In the sig talk survey three owners reported broken strikers at 600, 700, and 1900 rounds respectively.

You seem to be of the opinion that the dead trigger and broken striker issues have been rectified by SIG. But the fact that there has been at least one dead trigger and one broken striker reported in pistols manufactured in the last half of May calls that into question. And the fact that Big1 had his trigger go dead a second time after sending his pistol back to SIG for repair suggests that this may not be a problem due to incorrect assembly or a limited run of bad parts.

Clearly, the reports of dead trigger and broken striker issues has trailed off. But since some of these failures were occurring after quite substantial round counts, there might be more P365 pistols of recent manufacture that have not yet reached a high enough round count for metal fatigue, or whatever, to cause the pistol to fail. So time will tell.

There may come a time when I become satisfied that SIG has adequately addressed these issues and consider the P365 to be reliable enough for self-defense use. But I won't be buying any P365 right now.


New member
The p365 looks like it could be a nice pistol. I just can’t handle the tiny grip. I don’t have big hands, but it is plain uncomfortable for me.

I read about a guy shooting a hole through one of his family jewels....pistol was tucked in the waistband of his sweats. Is that serious damage or minimal?!? What threw me was he went to his friend’s house first for help instead of the hospital!?! Wtheck!


New member
Looks like SIG very recently came out with yet another improved striker for the P365 but according to the source it will not fit in the slide of the original P365 slide LOL.

I tried the P365 but I shoot my Walther PPS so much better. Even if I was considering a P365 I would have waited at least a year, probably more, from the initial release date. Time will tell if the new magazine design is reliable and durable or not.

http://sigforum.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/430601935/m/8460066344 -- see pictures on post in about middle of first page.
A small group at my club met the other day and shot a thousand rounds through the Sig comparing to different guns. It will be interesting to see how things do play out in the next couple of months.
I will only say this for now. Why did Sig place the Grip and receiver so close together? And beware that they do mention this as a " caution in the manual". For gosh sake, my little Pico has a lot more real estate on the grip between the receiver. Maybe folks should actually make sure this gun fits their hand before purchase or possibly Drag the receiver. And at least not wear gloves. Small hands should not be a problem.

As far as the other issue with the shell casing. I came across this is a Kahr manual.

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New member
I still remember my parents telling me as a kid, "Don't ever buy something for the first year after it comes out. Let everyone else buy it and give it time to get the problems fixed."

I think they were talking about new models of cars, but I've generally applied that lesson.

The P365 intrigues me -- and obviously the rest of the world given how fast they're selling. I'm not surprised that there are bugs in it. I'm not surprised that some people will crap on a given brand forever no matter how well it performs, and others will defend it to the death no matter how often it breaks. And in between are people willing to take some amount of risk in trying a product that hasn't been proven fully yet.

Given that I already own several guns that have never given me problems, I'm just sitting and waiting to see how the 365 develops over time. At some point they won't fly off shelves anymore, they'll rarely have problems if ever, and then I'll probably buy one and add a bright green LIMA laser guard to it. I often carry a Walther PPS with a green laser guard. the P365 would give me 3-4 more rounds in the mag and a slightly smaller package.

I've shot a 365 and have to say, I wasn't blown away by it, but I was impressed that such a small gun handled and shot so well. If S&W created a 10-round Shield 3.0 to compete, I'd probably go with the Smith because it fits my hand better than the Sig.

Why am I even typing this? The Internet makes me feel like people care what I think :p

Thanks to all who've braved the new product waters so people like me can get a better product next year!
You are absolutely right. I have bought first run guns in the past, lesson learned. And to add to my original post, I actually liked the gun. Just was not my cup of tea. And just did not fit my hand to feel confident in carry with the placement of the receiver and grip. However it seemed well built and you can bet some will love the gun for years to come.