range report- Alchemy arms Spectre .45


New member

FlyingGN, wonder if they told you that your gun should be shot "sparingly" because they knew they were going out of business and the useful life on that "thing" is probably in the neighborhood of a box of hardball ammo.
Reason I bumped this is that there are shooters turning up now with Alchemy Arms Spectres wondering how many thousands of dollars they can get for their "rare" pistols.


New member
funny you should bring this up.. I don't have my spectre anymore unfortunately. I shipped it back to William McMoore year ago for service and his company went out of business and my gun was never returned to me. If I ever find that rat he has a lot of explaining to do.:mad:

Don H

New member
FlyinGN said:
I don't have my spectre anymore unfortunately. I shipped it back to William McMoore year ago for service and his company went out of business and my gun was never returned to me. If I ever find that rat he has a lot of explaining to do.
You may wish to report the gun as stolen and also file a report with BATF. The FFL, even if going out of business, has a legal and ethical responsibility to return a customer's property; failure to do so is tantamount to theft.