Random thought-What do Democrats stand for??


New member
The liberals stand for everything that is popular among their supporters even if two or more items are in direct confilct with each other.


New member
That prosperity parts a gut buster.

The dems in MN are pushing for a Six cent per gallon gas tax increase, and another sales tax increase.

Those dems know how to prosper.


Lest we forget, it was a Republican - one George Walker Bush - who pledged to give America (his words) " a return to responsible government"

Anyone who doubts that another Neo-conservative administration would be any less amoral, corrupt, devoid of integrity, and lawless than the current neo-con administration is living in a dream world.

Another New Orleans, anyone? Another warrantless wiretapping program?

See? Just as sweeping and inaccurate
totally irrelevant to the thread, which is "What do Democrats stand for?" Another case of "WAAAAA! WAAAAA!! The Republicans are worse! The Republicans are big, fat poopypants poopyheads!!" [Al Franken mode off]
Lest we forget, it was a Democrat - one William Jefferson Clinton - who pledged to give America (his words) "The Most Ethical Administration In History."

Anyone who doubts that another Clinton & Clinton administration would be any less amoral, corrupt, devoid of integrity and lawless than the first Clinton & Clinton administration is living in a dream world.

Another Waco, anyone? Another gun ban?
Inaccurate? Wrong. It all happened. History cannot be denied.


New member
Republicans and Democrat politicians are both lying, stinking....

Republicans and Democrats are just tired old professional politicians who are interested in the people as much Castro is interested in making Cuba a democracy.

Well, the above is one sentence with more truth in it than all the rest, thanks Eghad.
Does anyone out there really trust either party?