Races to watch


GS27, That is why I never make predictions.:D

If there is an hour before the polls to open, there is still more than enough time for some chucklehead to make a dumb remark that could screw over his party. You gotta love 24 hour news. How did our ancestors ever even know who was running?


New member
I'm going to call Tennesee out of play at this point.
That leaves the projected makeup 46 Democrats, 1 Independent, and 49 Republicans with 4 tossup states (Montana, Missouri, Virginia, New Jersey).

For the House, it looks like the race that will indicate the future state is Iowa district 1; Whalen (R) vs. Braley(D). If Whalen wins then the Republicans have a shot at keeping the House.


Whalen is realy strong right now. The adds about Braley have not been overly negative, seeing as how easy it is to make people hate lawers.

Predictions are just that. They rarely come true. Iowa was a 20 point favorite against Northwestern today and got creamed 21-7. Kerry was a favorite going into the Presidential election and lost by one of the biggest margins in recent years.


New member
Assuming Webb's slim lead over Allen holds up, it's still not the end of the world necessarily. John

8/20/06 - Roanoke TV station report:

"Jim Webb made his rounds in Southwest Virginia this weekend, and he stopped by the Roanoke Civic Center for the gun show on Sunday.

The democratic candidate for U.S. Senate says he's a big believer in gun ownership.

Webb strongly believes people should be able to carry weapons and defend themselves and their families.

He also explained his stand on the war in Iraq and how it's impacting foreign policy in the Middle East."


New member
I can't believe Montana!

I sure hate to hear that my neighbors across the state line in Montana voted for Tester, a Democrat. I am not sure of his stand on the 2nd, but if he gets pressure from the wicked "3" (Kennedy, Chucky Schumer, and Billery) I am sure that we are in real trouble.
Oh well, I'll tighten up, pray for sanity, and continue to buy, shoot and handle my weapons as if nothing happened. If any upstart comes against the 2nd, I'll throw as much $$ as I can to combat it.....

Elker in Idaho


New member
I agree 100%. This is not the end of the world. It's actually an opportunity for rebuilding the Republican party into what we meant it to be.
This has not killed us. Therefore it will make us stronger.
First rule is going to be don't reject information you find unpleasant.