Races to watch


New member
With just a week to go, the Senate is pretty much decided except for a handful of races. Neglecting the outcome of these, the makeup is 48 republicans and 47 democrats. Here are the Senate races to keep an eye on:

Dem incumbent:

New Jersey
Menendez(D) vs. Keane (R)

Rep incumbent:
Allen (R) vs. Webb (D)
Talent (R) vs. McCaskill (D)
Burns (R) vs. Tester (D)

Open seat (formerly Republican):
Corker (R) vs. Ford (D)

Best case for the Republicans (sweeping this group) is 53-47. Best case for the Democrats is 52-48. Neither is a decisive advantage.

For the House, it's going Dem. Just a question of how much. Today's prediction (a very rough estimate that changes nearly daily) is 228 seats D and 208 R.


For the House, it's going Dem. Just a question of how much. Today's prediction (a very rough estimate that changes nearly daily) is 228 seats D and 208 R.

Karl Rove has a crystal ball that is predicting the House will stay in Republican control. I believe him.


New member
rick reno,
I have no idea why you'd take his word for it. Unless you actually believe he literally owns a real...uhh...crystal ball. He's not going to say anything different no matter how dire the situation is.
If he knows something the rest of us don't, he's not sharing. If he's telling the truth, he should be able to back it up. I haven't heard him do so. Have you?
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Moderator Emeritus
GoSlash said:
For the House, it's going Dem.
Gee, I thought the election was 10 days from now...
GoSlash said:
If he's telling the truth, he should be able to back it up.
Take your own medicine, Slash. If you're telling the truth, you should be able to back it up.

While you're backing it up, let me know who's going to win the football game tomorrow night, the Patriots or the Vikings. :rolleyes:


New member
The Patsies :D
Any data in particular you're looking for, or would you just like me to e-mail all of it to you?
[edit] "It's going Dem". Does it make your ears hurt when you read that? May as well get used to the concept. I mean, don't get me wrong...it's not going to be an overwhelming majority... [/edit]


While you're backing it up, let me know who's going to win the football game tomorrow night, the Patriots or the Vikings.

Easy - that'll be the Vikings. They've got hot cheer leaders.

Rove and his Republicans are dumping huge amounts of money into races they need to win. They'll win.


Moderator Emeritus
I suppose if the Pats win tonight, I might take your prediction a little more seriously, GoSlash. :p All I know now is that you're stating as fact something that hasn't been decided yet.

There's an old saying about counting chickens before they're hatched... ;)


I saw a report this morning on Fox that Republicans are dumping $49M into critical races vs. a paltry $31M (chump change) from the Dimocrats. It's in the bag. Remember too - we haven't seen the magical release of a message from bin Laden yet, I predict it'll come between Sunday and Tuesday.


New member
It is only a prediction. I don't believe I stated otherwise. And it is possible that the Republicans will maintain control of the house. It's highly unlikely, but not impossible. There are 30 races that are so tight it's impossible to claim a lead. If the Republicans sweep *all* of these races and pick up maybe 5 more that look safely Dem right now, they would be able to hold on to a bare majority.


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rick reno,
Just so I'm clear... are you implying that the Republicans are using Bin Laden tapes to scare the public for political gain, or do the terrorists want Republicans to win?


Just so I'm clear - the Republicans will use whatever they've got to win. Right now, that appears to be money. bin Laden has a history of releasing tapes just before elections, I would expect to see one soon. Bush and his "War on Terror" - according to all reports I've seen - has been a great boost in the recruiting efforts for al Qaeda. (a simple Google search using the terms "war on terror + recruiting al qaeda" will produce articles supporting this). I'm going to assume bin Laden would like to keep him and his party in control. Is that clear enough?


New member
VA Race.

We will see. Allen may have inserted his foot in his mouth, but I wonder if the GOP will try and bring up ole Web's propensity to write books that involve incest and such. Hmmm dirty politics. Sling a hunk o s--t instead of mud?

Maybe the best solution for us shooting types, is to all move to a state and take over... VA would be Justice for the Union. Hmmm 80, million with one thunderous voice. Now talk about clout in the political world. :eek:


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rick reno,
So the terrorists want us to vote Republican. Gotcha. Not arguing the point, but if that's the case it may well backfire since the Dems have been polling as the better party to handle terrorism since August.

Slug thrower,
Not a bad idea at that. Think of it; an island of true liberty...


New member
The Patsies prediction was just a wild-a$$ed guess. :D
Predicting this election outcome is more like predicting the winner of that game with 3 minutes left to go in the 4th. Theoretically possible that the Vikings could have pulled it out, but not terribly likely.


New member
Sure. Look for a vague "terrorist plot" to disrupt the elections. The threat level will be raised to "OMG!!!" and extra security will be provided everywhere. Just to get all of us in the right frame of mind ;)

Camp David

New member
silicon wolverine said:
Do you guys think Bush will pull some last minute "rabbit out of the hat" trick and get in the last minute punch?

Commander Kerry did that for us... Rove is sending John and his catsup spouse a fruit basket in thanks...


New member
Speakin' of which, I'm bumping the house prediction D241 pending the outcome of the Kerry flap. A bunch of seats that were previously thought safe-Republican opened up in the last couple days.