"Race gun vs SD gun"


New member
A more basic question: is the stock configuration holding you back? A lot of people chase gear rather than skill. Once you start outshooting your gun, then it's time to look to modifications. Otherwise, the "race guns" become a crutch for inferior skills/practice. I've seen plenty of "fast" shooter that miss often enough to knock them back to the middle of the pack, and slower shooters that do just as well because they hit what they shoot at. The TOP guys are fast AND accurate.

L. Boscoe

New member
Race gun vs SD gun

Configuration has little to do with my choices. Once a pistol is a good fit for the hand, weight is comfortable, the rest is sights and trigger. What started this log is a good fitting gun with a poor trigger.
I also like to shoot different guns, a hobby. Getting better at the range is my every day preoccupation. After 30 plus years of absence from the shooting game, I got back. Had to develop good loads, pick the right gun and see if my 85 year old self could still shoot. Almost there.:cool: