

If the US is the country not worth dying for, who is she talking about here?
If we’re attacked, we would all go out. We’d all take whatever we had. I’d take my rolling pin and I’d beat the attackers over the head with it. But we were not attacked by Iraq.

Despite the tricky use of the word "this", the country she's referring to is Iraq. That's pretty damn obvious.

I don't care for this woman's politics, but I'm not going to put meanings in her speech that quite obviously are neither there nor intended to be.


So are you saying that she meant that the US is not worth fighting for, then went on to describe how she'd fight for the US?



It's a bit confusing, but she said "this" in a possessive way, meaning the US, rather than "that", which would have made more sense if referring to Iraq:
Her overall subject matter and focus from the beginning has been in the context of Iraq. About Iraq. About the "war" in Iraq. So the use of the term "this country" might well apply. When she speaks of America specifically, one has great difficulty in extrapolating the idea that she does not think her own country is worth dying for.


New member
Gen. Patton said somethin' along the lines of "Don't die for your country, let the other SOB die for his."

Where are MEN like this now? I mean MEN, who tell it like it is, screw the press. God I'm livin' in the wrong time!