

New member
"This country is not worth dying for." - Cindy Sheehan

I am sure her son -- and his peers, both today and in the past -- would be very proud of Mrs. Sheehan's patriotism.


New member
So lets pack her up and drop her someplace like...oh, maybe central America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, or just about anywhere in Africa and then see how long it takes her to change her mind once she has to do without all the things she takes for granted.


New member
Well, by country does she mean the actual land? The right's we are entitled to as Americans? or the current government?

I would risk my life if need be to defend the first two.


New member
Thanks for the link. After reading, I find myself sitting here shaking my head in disgust at such deranged, radical misconception as this woman has displayed. And for her followers, I just have to chalk them up as examples of my signature here, which I've used for years. In order to maintain a peaceful tone, I'll end my comments on the matter right here for now.


New member
“This country is not worth dying for. If we’re attacked, we would all go out. We’d all take whatever we had. I’d take my rolling pin and I’d beat the attackers over the head with it. But we were not attacked by Iraq. {applause}

I personally dispise this woman. :barf:

However, in the interest of objectivity and accuracy it reads as though the remark is to mean that Iraq is not worth dying for; in the very next sentence she claims she would defend this country, but that this country wasn't attacked by Iraq. This is not to say that she won't contradict that statement somewhere else.

BUT - there are two sources quoted in this thread for that statement - the first source is from a reporter and the second source is from a transcript of the speech itself. It appears that the reporter conceviably quoted her out of context - read them both and decide for yourself if he did or not. It is difficult to be 100% sure because the transcript doesn't carry the pauses or the body language or the inflections. However when you read the statement before the quote and the statement after the quote it appears different than the reporters sound bite.

She also makes a relevant point by saying:

If he (Bush) thinks that it’s so important for Iraq to have a U.S.-imposed sense of freedom and democracy, then he needs to sign up his two little party-animal girls. They need to go this war. They need to fight because a just war, the definition of a just war .....is one that you would send your own children to die in.

[FLAMESUIT] Flame suit on mode [/FLAMESUIT]


They need to go this war.
That isn't relevant, it's idiotic.

We have a volenteer army, her son had the choice to join, and he did. The Bush daughters have the choice to join, and so far they haven't.

It's also a lie, who really thinks that all of a sudden all these anti-war people will support the war if the Bush daughters did join up?


New member
If Bush had the courage to send his daughters to the front he would certainly be credible about his convictions.

But then again, what President has ever had a son or daugher go to war?


New member
She sure is getting a lot of news coverage in the ABC morning news show. You'd think she's the heart of America by their reports.


New member
But then again, what President has ever had a son or daugher go to war?

If I recall correctly, Teddy R's son died of a heart attack the day after D-Day. I believe he was an officer who came in to the beach before it was secured.


New member
They need to go this war. They need to fight because a just war, the definition of a just war .....is one that you would send your own children to die in.

Aren't these the same people saying that women should not go to war?

It is this simple. If you join the Army, there is the chance you will end up fighting. That is it. What do you think you are signing up for, tea and biscuits? Anyone that signs up thinking they will never see combat is an idiot.


If Bush had the courage to send his daughters to the front he would certainly be credible about his convictions.
A rediculous statement.

He has no say about weither or not his daughters join up or not, that's a personal choice they can make for themselves. And the idea that he'd somehow make different choices if they were serving has no factual basis whatsoever.

Personally I think he's got plenty of credibility about his convictions. If he forced his daughters into the army and twisted arms to put them into dangerous situations, that would give me a lot more concern.


New member
A rediculous statement.

Of course it is, and all of your points are valid too. On top of that there would be one huge security problem because his kids would be target numero uno and draw terrorists like flies.

It was, and is, a rhetorical point.

What his daughters could do is to work full time in a VA hospital helping the wounded to recover. His wife could do that too. Do they? Of course not, it's a ridiculous suggestion that they would do something like that.

If I recall correctly, Teddy R's son died of a heart attack the day after D-Day. I believe he was an officer who came in to the beach before it was secured.

I did not know that. Any others?


Rebar, exactly. Anyone who says "Bush should SEND his daughters off to the war" is essentially saying he should DRAFT them. I thought these people were pathologically afraid of the draft coming back, in the first place. But as long as it's BUSH'S daughters, they support the idea that someone other than the actual person who will be serving should make the decision of whether they enlist. Cuckoo! Cuckoo!



It was, and is, a rhetorical point.
No, it's a propaganda slogan designed to provoke emotions rather than a valid debating point.

And I repeat - no matter what the Bush daughters did, it still wouldn't satisfy the Bush-haters. From Special Forces commandos to doctors devoted to caring for wounded, there's not one thing they could do to change even a single anti-war mind to pro-war.