quiet 22LR ammo


New member
In yalls opinion what is the quitest 22LR ammo out
there with reasonable accuracy?

I like to hear about longs and shorts aswell but
mainly I'm looking for 22LR.


New member
super collibri is super insane quiet, no need for a suppressor and still get suppressor results. but it is absolutely the most inaccurate ammo on earth, and will not cycle a semi anything. good for .22 revolvers at standard pistol ranges. it is pretty cool for what it is


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.22 CB in short, long or long rifle I believe are all the same fps and bullet weight. They are very quiet out of a long barrel .22 rifle. Like pellet gun quiet in my opinion.


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I still have a batch of RWS Sub-Sonic -- quiet, accurate , if the target disappears it never comes back !:)


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+1 on CB s/l. Very quite out of a rifle and not too bad out of a handgun. No need for ear protection out of rifle. Will not cycle a semi auto but great for pest control.
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New member
lokidansk said:
anybody ever use CCI Quiet Ammo in 22 Long Rifle ?

CCI Quiet-22 long rifle, five shots @ 50 yards. Not as accurate as the best standard velocity ammo but adequate. Probably better than most "bulk" long rifle ammo. Plus, it's very quiet, most air rifles are louder.

Same range, same day shooting Wolf MT standard velocity ammo, comparing the targets, you can see the drop at 50 yards caused by the lower velocity. The target grids are 1".


New member
Thank you very much B.L.E.
This is exactly the type info I'm looking for. I have heard
CCI Quiet was good stuff but I want to get opinions
of others aswell. I plan to buy a few boxes of what yall
suggest and test myself but theres no sence in reinventing the
wheel totaly from scrach.


Super Colibri is not sufficiently accurate for shots beyond a few feet in any of my guns. Not recommended for rifles, BTW.
Remington C-Bee is somewhat louder BUT is significantly more accurate. It is as accurate as normal 22 lr HV in my guns.
Winchester and CCI are somewhere in the middle accuracy wise but maybe slightly quieter than the C-Bee.


New member

It works on brain shots. Body shots are worthless, even on big crows and squirrels.

The recent manufacture CCI CB short ammo is much more accurate that the old stuff from ~6 years ago. 8moa vs 4 moa

With a 24" barrel it sounds like a BB gun unless it hits something hard.
If it hits a raccoon it makes a hollow sound.

The 29 gr bullet moves at 700 fps and has 0.45 gr of powder behind it.

The Polish short target ammo has 0.65 gr powder, which is too much to be BB gun quiet.


New member
Yes lol, I thought he was giving up on 22lr.

I got some quiet 22 ammo but don't remember the brand.

Sounds a bit louder than a pellet gun..
I'll check the box when I get home.

I know 25yrds it's pretty accurate. Primer only I think


New member
Haven't found much that was quiet and accurate at the same time
If you can find CCI Quiet then get as much of it. Full 40 grain round in the 670-700 FPS velocity ranges sounds like a pellet gun,..... except for the fact that it carries almost 3 times as much weight as a typical 14 grain .22 pellet.
Chronographed, I saw not too much of a standard deviation, but one shot out of 5 or so rounds would come up with a spike in velocity increasing the overall FPS spread to a high margin.

I might say that your tight 5 + shot groups isn't something you can expect Anywhere near a consistent basis,.... but you might be able to expect 2-3 MOA easily at 50 y. Quiets can be quiet in a long barreled rifle, but still have a bit of a crack in carbines. They however are probably the best over all low decipel pest/ varmint rounds for intermediate rimfire ranges- 20-50 yards max.



New member
Oh it is calibri

But fired out of a kids single shot rifle

Maybe the barrel is just the right length... Someone gave me the ammo, I didn't know it was quiet ammo until I used it lol


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Aguila Super Colibri is the only thing you need to know. If you're running a suppressor that changes the conversation a little.


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Noise level for different loads will be comparable in different rifles, but what is accurate in one gun may not be accurate in the next.

Just try as many of the "quiet" loads as you can to see what is accurate in your gun