question for canadians


New member
my girlfriend and i want to move to canada, hopefully within the next year-2 years and i was just wondering on the firearms laws in canada.

is the .50 cal bmg legal in canada? a couple of my other questions of some other forums were awnsered so this is the only one i had left...anything else i should know being a firearms enthusiest?


New member
If you have questions you can contact the Canadian firearm centre at:

1-800-731-4000 it is a toll free call from Canada and the US.


New member
Well, as a gun owning Canadian, I had to stop lurking and start posting. .50 BMG is NOT prohibited in Canada although many other firearms are including so-called "AK variants" and handguns with a barrel length shorter than 105mm (4 1/4 inches). Automatic weapons are also verboten, you can own them if you owned them continuously from 1979 I believe but you can't shoot them. There are no laws in Canada prohibiting the size of the firearm so if you can get ammo for it, you can shoot it. Some people own and shoot the 14.5 mm Russian antitank rifle for example. No explosive ammo and there are some things like the 40mm grenade launcher that has legal issues. Canadian firearms law is just as complicated as US law but it is federal and theoretically it is applied the same in all provinces. And as with US law, we're constantly arguing the subtle nuances of it. Come on up, we own lots of guns, regardless of what you read in the papers. ;) You can buy cheap Norinco's until they come out your ears. Go to for much more comprehensive answers.


Well, everything you own will be put into an easily-hacked government registry. In fact, it's already been hacked, ensuring that crooks have a shopping list and may pay you a visit to steal your collection.

You can buy cheap Norinco's until they come out your ears.

Gotta support those PLA troopers! They need new truncheons to beat down political dissidents. Especially in Tibet.


New member
Well that's typical. Can't even spell Canadian, EH. :D Yeah, we have a gun registry forced on us and quite a few other oppressive gun laws.Gun owners in Canada are in a constant struggle for their rights, just like in the US. Personally, I don't know why you would want to move to Canada. Pay more taxes, get pushed around by authority more, no CCW, no real right to defend yourself. You don't even have a more valuable dollar anymore. Come to think about it, maybe I should move to the States. I understand northern Idaho's nice this time of year. :D


New member
My mistake BDFT. I know M82s are on specifically prohibited and I over-generalized. Thanks for the correction.

But geeez it's a long list. The Benelli Super Black Eagle is even on it:confused:


New member
I've joined that site, BTW, and really like it - thanks so much, BDFT! :D It's a bit like looking into a parallel universe: some things are really, really cool (like brand-new Norinco 1911s for $325!) and some things are really, really scary (like talk of a UN serial number on all firearms and the fact that SKS mags have to be blocked at 5 shots).

I've got to say, though, that I really love my time in Canada (Dad has a house up there) and the people I know there are all the finest kind. It seems like that's true of the folks on the Canadian Gun Nutz site as well - check it out, Yankees! :)

Me at Montreal River Harbour, on Gitchee-Gumee


New member
Gotta support those PLA troopers! They need new truncheons to beat down political dissidents. Especially in Tibet.

Hey, thanks for reminding me: I've got to run to Wal-Mart before it gets dark. ;)


New member
Among other things, all handguns chambered for a .25 or .32-calibre cartridge, or that have a barrel shorter than 4 1/4"/106mm are prohibited, there is no handgun hunting or CCW, and you have to have licences and permits up the ying-yang to be able to target-shoot at a range; some provinces are worse than others for this, and Quebec is universally regarded as one of the WORST provinces to try to own a gun in. All firearms MUST be unloaded and locked in a safe or trigger-locked when they're not actually being used, and if you shoot someone in self-defence (no matter how clear-cut) you WILL be charged. The government can and has arbitrarily prohibited entire categories of firearms simply because they "look mean", or because they're RELATED to something that "looks mean" (for example, Saiga shotguns, because the design is based on the AK.) All semi-auto longarms may not have a mag capacity any greater than 5 rounds (Garand exempted), and if they have a barrel any shorter than 18.5"/470mm, they're considered to be in the same class as handguns, and treated as such. If you value common sense or human rights at all, you should avoid this country like the plague. Historically, our government has shoved a new universal "gun control" law down our throats every 5 years, just in time for the election, when they're busy sucking for votes in Toronto and Montreal.


Gotta support those PLA troopers! They need new truncheons to beat down political dissidents. Especially in Tibet.
Hey, thanks for reminding me: I've got to run to Wal-Mart before it gets dark.

Well, there's a difference there. Norinco isn't even a company, it's part of the government there, a state industry and division of the PLA. Every single cent that goes to Norinco goes to equip their troops.

To me, that's a bit worse than just buying stuff made by companies in China. At least they're capitalists.


New member
Valmet wasn't on the list last time I checked.. ;)

And we can't get a Tavor down here, but you can get them up there...

And they just allowed CZ58 rifles IIRC down here in the US...


New member
thanks for the awesome info guys!! finally getting some real awnsers...i still wanna immigrate though...those are the minor details....