Q fer the reloader folks...


New member
It should be a joke ...but who knows....

The washer you are looking for / as far as I know /is unique to MEC because it has some dimples in one side ....and depending on the age of the loader - the dimples either go up or down ( you'll have to look at your directions).

Ask around at your club ...but most of us that use MEC loaders have extra brass washers ...and they'll give you one / let you replace it when you get your order. If a retailer has some MEC parts / they might have the washers where they have the charge bars and bushings, etc ...or anybody that works on MEC loaders in your area will have them.


Actually, BigJim, the particular washer isn't an MEC part but from the Canadian company that sells the adjustable charge bars and powder baffles. The part is on $1 but the shippping is $9. But I agree that I shouldn't just use any washer but get the right one. I might just buy a new powder baffle if one is in stock at Prado or Phillips Wholesale for, guess what, $10.00. Meanwhile, the powder drops are working well without the baffle, which I believe may not be as important in Southern California as it may be in a humid climate.

Also, this particular washer has a down and an up side.


If you get a powder baffle, (and you should), get the red plastic PC one, NOT the zinc-cast one

I would NEVER use momma's dishwasher for washing hulls, but the washing machine did a decent job - but that dryer!..might as well thrown in a bucket of coins and marbles with her cat inside........:D


New member
OneOunce --- you lead a dangerous life buddy ....

I forgot you're using that "multi adjustable nasty charge bar thing...." :eek: ...and you're right, I don't know what goes in that thing ....

OneOunce and I disagree on the powder baffle too ...I've quit using them..because I think they were giving me bad drops ( which makes no sense / because they ought to work / concept is sound ) ...but I pulled the one I had installed on an old 12ga Grabber recently - when it kept giving me bad powder drops with Clays. I went back to the brass washer and the grommet ...and it was 100% on target...

I've also taken the powder baffles off of my Mec hydraulic presses too ...


Oneounce. The powder baffle I have is the cast zinc one from Multi Scale Charge and I don't see where they even sell a plastic one. What is the story on the plastic ones and why do you prefer them?

As for the brass washer, there is one listed on the MEC parts list for the Grabber, but none is depicted on the parts blowup. However, its number suggest it is for use with the charge bottles. For now I will live without the baffle until I figure out if it does me any good.


New member
There is an old and a new model on the "Grabber" ....and I don't know about the new model ....but on the old one ....it called for a rubber grommet on both powder and shot sides ...and a brass washer ( nipples up ) on the powder side ...but only for "fine powders" ....and on powders, like Clays, I'm not sure you need the brass washer under the grommet.


Thanks, oneounce. I ordered one from that outfit, which BigJIm also likes to do business with, along with a few other llittle MEC items.

I almost ordered the brass washers BigJim mentioned, but the fishing weight won't need it. Actually if it was lead it could ge melted down for shot.


Improved drops with plastic baffle

I received the red plastic baffle and experimented to see if it is helpful. I think it may so the trick, even if my drops are still not the best.

To try to reduce variables, I did this with no shot in the bottle and the same grommets that came with the Sizemaster when I got it used. This is with no brass powder washer.

I dropped powder into 10 previously fired AA compressed hulls and measured the powder drops in the order that they were made. I got readings of 15.3, 15.2, 15.4, 14.8, 15.4, 15.3, 15.3, 15.4, 15.2, and 15.1. Excluding the 14.8 grain outlier, which I subscribe to not pushing the charge bar far enough to the left, I get an average drop of 15.2889 which I will call a 15.3.

What is interesting is the charge bar had been set for a 15.9 grain drop, with no baffle.

I don't know what is going on, but if I can adjust the UCB to drop 15.9 grains +/- .1 grain I will be a happy camper; especially if I get my technique down to avoid that outlier short drop.


New member
I'd turn that "multi - charge bar" into a fishing weight too ...and go back to a charge bar with bushings in it !!

Your range is 15.1 to 15.4 ....so its not terrible .../ but its not great either ! .... but I sure don't like that 14.8 in there ....

I think there is a screw in the face of that charge bar - that limits its travel to the left ...( you have to make sure it goes all the way over !! ) or at least there is one on the charge bars that use bushings ...and the amount of travel to the left is easily adjusted.

A tip: take the powder bottle off the press. Look down inside the charge bar --- as you cycle the bar to the left ( and see, at what point, the cavity that picks up the powder is fully exposed - so it fills properly ). As little as 1/4" of travel in the bar ....may make a big difference.


Paert of getting the MEC Jr. to be consistent - whether with bushings or a charge bar is to get into a certain rhythm; I push the bar hard to each side - it helps settle powder and shot into the openings, it helps it there is a small piece of shot or some flakes from gumming it up, and it makes sure I move the bar completely to each side.

Once you figure out what works best for you, you'll find that your drops are consistent in both shot and powder.

I can get my Jr. to drop even better than my progressive because I nudge it that way.

When I push the bar from side to side, I do not use the lever in the middle, but I place finger tip on the end of the UCB - it seems to fit in the recess on the dial just right- I can then flick it as mentioned


New member
BigJimP said:
I'd turn that "multi - charge bar" into a fishing weight too ...and go back to a charge bar with bushings in it !!
I suppose, next you'll be telling us that you've converted your Dillon 650 to use powder bushings. :rolleyes:


I am still tinkering with the thing and it seems to be getting better after doing two things.

It seemed that with the red plastic baffle screwed down tight that there was too much pressure on the top of the charge bar. I backed off on it just a bit.

I am not sure what screw BigJimP was talking about. The UCB is slightly different for a progressive or a standalone MEC. Anyway, I losened the screw on the front of the charge bar, the one attaching the "ProCheck" to the charge bar, slid the bar to the left and tightened it back down. It may have made a difference.

I will know better when I put some shot in the bottle. For now I am out of shot.


New member
If I remember correctly, the charge bars (MEC and Universal) have a center screw on the front that limits their travel. And, on progressive loaders there's an end screw that attaches the return spring anchor.


You remember correctly, Zippy. The instructions from the manufacturer of the UCB say to use their screw for it will allow for greater movement to the left, but the kind of screw doesn't make a difference with the single station reloaders, since the diameter of the base of the Pro Check and not the screw determines the issue. Still, it is possible by tightening the bolt affixing the Pro Check to the bar that I somehow limited the bars travel. Regardless, I is sliding smooth and free, expecially after I cleaned it up with acetone and 600 grit sandpaper.

BTW, the instructions printed on the bag that the plastic baffle cam in say to remove any washers. Mine didn't have a brass washer and I don't read that to mean the rubber grommet, although someone on shotgunworld said to remove the washer and grommet.

I think tomorrow is a Prado day.


New member
Nope, I love the powder measure on the Dillon 650 ....its just the mult-charge bar for the Mec ( not made by MEC by the way ) that I hate... but I pride myself on my "flexibility" and "open mindedness"....:D