Pulled over Guns drawn.

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True story,My wife was out and about with our three boys and her mom,She Just got done cloth shopping and getting the kids a few things.

I was not with her at the time but when she got home,she said you will not believe what happened to us while we where out,So I am thinking she got into an accident,So I asked how bad is the damage and She said No not a accident.

When she was driving along the police appeared from out of the blue and lights,sirens and calvary every where.The police approached with guns drawn and aimed straight into the car.

Apparently here car fit the discription of a car they where looking for and with the tinted windows and all,her car matched.When the police approached with the guns out my wife got upset and told the cop to stop pointing that gun in the direction of the car and that she had mom and kids in the car.

According to my wife and her mom she yelled at the officer pretty good and the office quickly apologized for the mix up but that her car fit the discription of a car the was involved of a crime.

She was pretty upset her mother was really shaken up and our boys well, I got dad that was awsome.

My wife wanted to call the chief of police and report it but I calmed her down and explained to her what she already knows that there doing there job and with the work hazards that come with that job, that they need to have guns drawn at times.

One of the police officers knows my wife through me and my brother who is a police officer and it got back to the chief anyways.About 2 hrs later a uniform police officer showed at my door with a bottle of wine and a letter of an apoligy.

So she has some excitement for the day and then got to have some red wine at dinner time and me two.:)
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New member
The apology and bottle of wine is a nice touch. I'd say you have a good police department if they're apologetic when they make a mistake.


New member
The apology and bottle of wine is a nice touch. I'd say you have a good police department if they're apologetic when they make a mistake.

Doesn't sound like they made a mistake to me? I of course don't know the full story, but it sounds like they had more than reasonable belief that they were approaching a car likely to contain a wanted criminal. Why wouldn't they have guns drawn and pointed at the occupants?

I think the bottle of wine was a fantastic touch, which likely occurred due to the brother-in-law being a LEO.


New member
I agree and some of the guys on the department I went to high school with there down to earth and good guys in a small town of low crime.


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Well thats what I explained to my wife,that a gun is useless in a holster when a gun comes suddenly out a car window.The wine deal in all likely hood was my brothers doing and or the few I went to school with and played ice hockey with when kids.Either way its was very nice but not needed as my wife understood after she settled down.


Mistakes like that scare me. I always think about the anti drug/gang force making an address mistake and try a raid on my house. Without a doubt someone would be shot with a 12 ga slug at least one time.

Double J

New member
Well trained policia will say "excuse me while I point my gun at your face". A lot of "accidental" shootings happen that way. It's not good PR for sure. But it is common practice.


New member
A lot of "accidental" shootings happen that way

I'd like to see where you got that fact...

Same think happend to my xwife. Car and girl driving all matched up.
Her mom was a leo for 27yrs. told her to just do what they say and it will be figured out.


New member
Cops don't have x-ray vision or the ability to tell the future, so it seems they had legitimate cause to point guns at the car.

The wine was a great side note, and I would love to see that happen even without needing a brother-in-law on the force :p

A lot of "accidental" shootings happen that way
I'd like to see where you got that fact...
I mean, it does happen, youtube has plenty of those vids. Doesn't make it the norm, and doesn't mean cops should put themselves more at risk.


This has happened to me. Right out of highschool I was taking a few friends to go camping when we were pulled over by two staters who proceeded to run to the car with weapons drawn screaming for us to get out and put our hands behind our heads.

Apparently they were looking for a burglary suspect.... who was driving a mid 90's, white civic hatchback... I was driving a mid 80's civic hatchback that was a very ugly shade of beige. According to the news report I saw the next day, the suspect they were looking for was 5'3" to 5'5", ~140lbs, and hispanic. I am ~250lbs, 6' tall, and white.

They pulled over a car from the wrong decade that was also the wrong color to question a man who was the wrong height, weight, and ethnicity, only to give me a warning for not having a front license plate before they left. I feel the guns were pulled out way too quickly in my case... and I didnt get an apology, let alone a bottle of wine.


New member
One of the police officers knows my wife through me and my brother who is a police officer and it got back to the chief anyways.About 2 hrs later a uniform police officer showed at my door with a bottle of wine and a letter of an apoligy.
It's nice to see cops act like decent human beings. The cops where I live do. The cops in Chicago where I'm from, don't. I can imagine the Chicago PD doing a bunch of things, none of them good, and few of them lawful.


New member

It is nice when there decent human being but trust there not all like that.

Just today I met a off duty officer in the gun shop,from a different town and He had as all laughing because we thought he was joking when he was trying to convince me and some otheres to get the taurus judge.

He was holding one from the display and then he kindly demostrated with the 410 and the sound effects of the judge and said blast the scum bags with this they will know that got hit with something.
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New member
We once had a young cop kick in a hotel door while he announced himself. To his surprise he had three guns pointed straight at him. Thank god the situation defused after he announced himself again showing his badge, we lowered our weapons. We had just finnished a jewelry show in New Orleans and were transporting a jewelers case of gems and a strong box of money. Someone had informed him while he was on patrol that three suspicious men went into a hotel room with cases and one had a gun. When his backup showed up seems he was chastised for many mistakes which also included the cost of the hotel door. It was his first week. After our CCW and IDs checked out we were apologized to and it all became a big joke to almost everyone. The hotel even gave us the room for the night after changing rooms. Looking back; how easy things could have got ugly. This happened between Tuscaloosa AL and Meridian MS.


New member
No apology needed....

This was an unfortunate case of mistaken identity but it is standard procedure to approach a car with guns drawn if it was a suspected felony car stop. It might sound rude but its quite appropriate, have you seen how many of us have been killed in the last ninety days in car stops?
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