Ptr 91/k3p pdw


New member
Ttarp: Perhaps I was a singular experience, I don't know.

The part I'm referring to is the plastic stock, one end is secured in the end cap (which holds the main spring) onto the other end, one snaps a buttplate/buttpad. Inside this stock is hollow. There are (sometimes) transverse holes that one can snap his "rivets" into when he disassembles the rifle for cleaning, so they don't get lost.

Inside this part there is a tube of sorts cast into the plastic. Into this tube fits the buffer. The PTR manufactured stock which I purchased from Adam at has an open end on this tube at both ends. The HK stocks (or milsurp stocks) that I have had were closed at the aft end, and had a hole in the blind end large enough to accept that whopping big screw that threads into the back of the buffer, and very securely holds the stock to the endcap. And oh the joy in trying to get that darn thing started into the hole and properly threaded into the back of the buffer.

One HK stock I have has a larger diameter hole in it to accept the HK heavy buffer, and it is longer than the standard hole to accommodate the additional length of this buffer. But it too has a blind end, through which one installs that screw into the back of the heavy buffer.

The open ended PTR stock is a good choice for the Robert RTG parts aftermarket buffer, as it is longer than the standard buffer, but of the same diameter, so it fits in that open ended hole just fine. This is because the RTG buffer looks to have been fabricated from two standard buffers welded together, with a longer "probe" sticking out to engage the bolt carrier on its rearward journey. Thus the blind hole in milsurp stocks is too shallow to accept the RTG buffer.

I had no end of difficulties with hand tools available to me in my attempts to fit the RTG buffer into a wood stock, or a standard HK plastic stock, as the part is longer than the hole in the wood or plastic that would otherwise accept it. For the longer custom aftermarket buffer, the PTR stock is a good choice in this role. I wouldn't want to smack someone upside the head with it, as only those two short screws that thread through the buffer from inside the end cap and into the stock hold the whole thing together.

Ttarp, if you have a good source for that buttstock with the blind hole in it, which is long enough to accept the RTG buffer, AND use the whopping big screw, I'd sure like to have a look at it.

Thanks in advance.
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New member
Ok I think I follow now, the "tube" in my stock isn't molded, but a separate piece, and "floats" allowing the longer buffer to fit.

Just the other day I switched my green plastic furniture for a wood set, and put my standard buffer back in the wood stock. After being to the range this evening I can assure the op, the PCS buffer really does make a difference.