Pros / Cons - Known as "The Gun Guy" at Work

I try not to converse about guns at work, because I don't really want to be known as "the gun guy".
Why not? Are you afraid of negative connotation? Do you just not want the hassle?

I think one major problem gun owners face is that sane ordinary citizen gun owners seem to hide their interest.


New member
I am known as THE Gun Guy at my part time job, through a combination of age, years of shooting, collecting and reading, and number of guns owned. My full time job is for a conservative company, so it is not an issue.
Whenever someone at my part time job pulls the old "Don't get him angry, he'll......" I tell that I do it with the dolls and the pins. I sometimes work next to a Haitian girl, that always makes her smile.

Flyover Country

New member
I too am the "Gun Guy"

I'm fortunate to work with an office of conservatives. 40+ employees, probably 35 of whom are openly and loudly conservative. Nearly all of them are aware of my "gun-ness", and it doesn't seem to bother any of them. The head of my HR department has asked me to take her and her husband out shooting .22's sometime. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that Olin/Winchester is the big company in my area, and that my boss is a Texan by birth and by nature. Further, downstate Illinois holds ZERO similarity to the hellspawns in Crook County. Round here, most people hunt and watch out for each other. Higher percentage of "sheepdog" personalities, and all that.

I do recognize that I'm pretty fortunate, however. This is a great environment to spread gunny love, and promote responsible gun ownership. I don't take it for granted, and I do my best to uphold the "Gun Guy" label with dignity and intelligence.


New member
It can be really easy to mess with people which can be fun. Don't be crazy though. There is a fine line between gentle ribbing of people and menacing. You definitely don't want any sort of jokes being taken as threats. I used to be the "gun guy" and the running joke was "Eric will protect us from anyone who may go postal. If he goes postal himself, we're out of luck." I always got a kick out of that kind of thing, it made me chuckle. Some people played up the joke too much though and it got annoying. It really just depends how cool you are with your co-workers. You could just not make any gun related conversations at work, and it'll stop. If you sit in the break room wearing head to toe fatigues and sharpening the butter knives while reading American Rifleman they might start calling you the psycho gun guy. If your job sucks and you hate the people you work with, this can be a way to go. Don't use that place as a reference though.


New member
i became the "gun guy" in my office.... and one of the guys in the reserves brought me an ammocan with 12 20 rd. .223 mags, a hundred rounds, and a cleaning kit and swabs!

how can that be bad?


New member
I'm known as one of the "gun guys" at work. IMHO, this is a step up from having been branded--briefly--as "that wacko who shoots propane tanks with an elephant gun".

(Pathologically dramatic gits. Those were small, empty propane tanks. And a .45-70 isn't an elephant gun, either, for anyone who isn't desperate and/or suicidal and/or willing to violate game regulations.)

Actually there's a pretty high percentage of gun guys (and gals) where I work, so I don't stand out all that much.


Active member
Why not? Are you afraid of negative connotation? Do you just not want the hassle?

No, its a little more practical than that. I've got work to do and i don't want to educate people about guns during work. It's not the kind of thing that you can help someone with in less than 5 minutes.

vox rationis

New member
I work for a European-owned software company with an office full of incredibly liberal coworkers.

(They all got together to watch the inauguration together in a conference room - I stayed home that day).

Alpacas tend to collect in herds.

I keep my gun-guyness to myself just to avoid conflict.

You are a wise man. Pick your battles carefully. And if you choose to inject doubt in their undoubtedly anti gun outlook, I also suggest intellectual and political guerrilla tactics, never a frontal assault :D


New member
my first employer asked what i did for fun, i told him fishing,hunting, shooting. but made it clear animals and paper only. not people. he was fine with that. the other guys that came and went at the company did nothing of the sort,but at the same time did not bash me for doing it. the few other employers and co-workers i've had over the years,asked the same question,and received the same reply. not too much more was said or asked on the matter. i guess they didn't care. atleast they weren't anti.

one of the guys at the pool company i've been working for the last 5 years kept asking me"when we going hunting, bill"?


New member
I just don't know how being known as "The Gun Guy" at work would be seen by others as positive, unless you work as a gun shop. And, if the person is generally viewed by others as a bit odd, then look out.

James R. Burke

New member
Gun Guy

At work I'am the guy that everyone ask the question about there guns to. Like loading, buying, selling, etc. I kind of like it in a way they look up to me, and respect my opions. Just the othe day a man I work with had a chance to buy some left handed rifles. His son is left handed. I feel I steered him in the right direction or he would have made a bad mistake. He got a great deal, and a very nice gun for his son. Got my wife into bird, and deer hunting. She wants to go more than me now. Lot easier getting reloading stuff that way also. Ha Ha. Jim
I've had more than one coworker say jokingly that they expect me to come in and shoot the place up some day.

I always say "Not a chance of that happening. You know how much a cartridge costs these days (I'll use bullet sometimes, for effect)? It's a LOT, and to be honest, no one here is worth that kind of expense....

I'll use a pickaxe."

Most people just leave me alone now... :D