Pronounce some gun related brands for me please....


New member
I have a co-workers who say things VERY weird. A lot of customers who come into the store also pronounce stuff weird too. I think im loosing my sanity in trying to understand why they pronounce stuff the way they do.
Lets clarify

I pronounce it Hops I.E. A bunny hops across the field. Beer is made with hops etc....
They pronounce it hoppEs. Like hopp-EY-s. I.E.(I dont even know hahaha)

*That Hoppe's one drives me nuts because I really dont know if im right or not....I think I am?*

I pronounce it Hekler and coke
They pronounce it
(Brace urself)
hekler and kooch

I pronounce it horn-ady
They pronounce it hornadAy

So... Just for shnitz + Giggles who is right.

Anyone else have friends that pronounce gun stuff wrong. I really dont understand how you can get that extra long E on the hoppe's. Or how you get COOCH out of H+K :confused: :D



New member
Probably not correct, but its my way! A= hops (like you) B= Heckler & Kogue ( like rogue, but with a k at the front, way too much time spent in Germany)

C= horn -a- day Try Webley, I go with web-lee, but most everyone I know uses we-blee ??

My last name is pronounced in Gaeilge, (Irish) my dads family never americanized it when they came here in the 1700s. Try going thru life correcting people who mis-say your name!:mad: Some even say "oh you mean -----" To which I reply "NO I mean -----, think I should know my own name by now!" :)

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Seems like no one ever says Makarov or Saiga correctly either.

I'd guess it's really "Ma-kar-ov" in Russian, and "Sa-ee-ga."

Hoppe's is and always has been pronounced "Hop-eez." The name was originally German.


New member
wow....looks like im wrong on the hoppe's one.....Ill have to start calling it by the right name.

Ill never call H+K heckler + cooch though lmfao


New member
I grew up in a predominately German farming part of Wisconsin. Sorry to inform you , Koch is pronounced 'Cook'

Hoppe's the e is not silent.

Perhaps we need to get our ducks in a row.

Now how do you say Leupold?


New member
Another one is Mosin Nagant. As I understand it although it was made famous by the Russians, the name is French. Mosin is pronunced like you were going to moisten a cloth but with an "on" so it would be Mos-on. Then Nagant sounds more like Nugent again with the "on" sound, nug-on. So we end up with Mos-on Nug-on. Is that right?


New member
How about this one?


I've heard some people say it's pronounced "Bry(like cry)-Co(like go)."

Other times Ive heard it pronounced "this lousy piece of junk that jams every round."

I'm just messing around and having a little fun this morning. I know it is pronounced the second way.:D

Seriously, I though it was pronounced Heckler & "Coke".

Mal H

The Hoppe's one is settled, right? (hop-eez)

H&K is pronounced "hekler and coke", although the "coke" part is more gutteral in German, but in English "coke" is the closest we need to come. Saying anything like "cooch" is just ... wrong!

I know for a fact that Leupold is pronounced "loo-pold" since I have heard Fred himself pronounce his own name. The maestro BB was undoubtedly mimicking would have been Leopold Stokowski. His first name is indeed pronounced "lay-o-pold", but it's different from the optics maker's last name.


New member
I'm still not 100% that "Coke" is wrong. I'm going to ask my cousin who was a teacher in Germany for a number of years.

Cook maybe. Coach maybe. Cooch sounds like a prank.

The Hoppeez sounds goofy but I guess I'll start saying it correctly.

Steyr is Sty-er (like tire), right?


New member
Sorry youp! Most of the Germans I know never spent much time in Wisconsin.:confused: Actually Koch it is pronounced, "CAW" in Germany and as you pointed out, when translated to english, it becomes our word for "cook". Like I said, my way is probably not correct, but its the way I say things. Thought that was the question?

Kinda like autobahn, most americans won't say "out-a-bahn" like a german or essen when they want to eat. So what is the Right way??

If you want to hear some foreign words spoken in their home language, go here! Thanks, Ken
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New member
I know for a fact that Leupold is pronounced "loo-pold" since I have heard Fred himself pronounce his own name. The maestro BB was undoubtedly mimicking would have been Leopold Stokowski. His first name is indeed pronounced "lay-o-pold", but it's different from the optics maker's last name.

That's a shame, I always got a kick out of saying the name Leupold when visiting the optics shop, and thinking of that cartoon. That one was a hoot. Technical accuracy once again rains on my parade.:D