Pro Gun "Celebrities"


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Jared Allen, lineman for the Minnesota Vikings is an avid hunter/sportsmen. he's got a cookbook coming out called, 'The Quarterback Killer's Cookbook.'


New member
Another one forwarded indirectly is the actress Ashley Scott.

For whatever reason cornered by a friend explained her hate of Jimmy Kimmel and indeed all these late night show hosts as being smarmy. One example she cited was an interview with Ashley Scott where he made fun of her because at times (being dirt poor) her father would shoot a squirrel for dinner. Stood out in the friends mind because Kimmel was ridiculing someone who grew up that kind of poor. Why otherwise intelligent women follow this kind of thing as they do is a mystery. :confused:

Taking a look at the youtube video noted that Ashley actually mentions she has/had firearms and is comfortable with the notion of shooting. More importantly she politely points out the word 'gun-nut' that he used isn't a correct one. Impressive that while she was trying to hustle her way as these people do, she still felt the need to correct him on that. A class act on her part and you don't get too many women doing that.

That and these guys are very smarmy as she noted.


Apparently Demi Moore and her young hubby Ashton Kutcher are gun owners and shooters. But there's always that double edged sword like Stallone, a known anti-gunner, who made so much of their money with guns and people like Rosie O and Howard Stern with rank and privilege.

Then we have the worst possible examples, like a Robert Blake or Jayson Williams, the NBA player who was implicated in the shooting death of a limo driver at his house in NJ in 2002. But just as we have celebrity knuckleheads, who here hasn't had to gently correct someone acting dangerously at a range or club? Hasn't grit their teeth, walked away or argued with an anti-gunner?

I like Selleck, The Nuge, McRainey. I'd really like to see they as board members past and present get the NRA to really push for our rights but that's another thread.:D