Practical jokes & guns? 50 cal shot by 9yo!


New member
Fox1, that is just too funny!

More like stupid redneck jokes. How could you allow that to happen to your son? At least you had the wisdom to put safety glasses on him or his 'buds' could be calling him Blinky.


New member
Senior Member

Fox1, that is just too funny!

More like stupid redneck jokes. How could you allow that to happen to your son? At least you had the wisdom to put safety glasses on him or his 'buds' could be calling him Blinky.

Well obviously I didn't "allow" it to happen; it was an accident and, despite my best intentions, it happened.
I always try to keep my kids as safe as possible, that's why the first time he shot a pistol it was a .22, on a sandbag and he was prone.

I'm always amazed by the folks (like the video) that will allow a first time shooter or kid to shoot a gun that is just too big for them.

Have you tried using vegemite for bullet lube yet?

I use it for Axle grease and as an anti corrosion coating on all exposed metals. It's great for preserving rifles long term. ;)

Vegemite is really good in stews and on roasts. It is a good flavoring as it has a high salt content. Great in the tucker box as it doesn't need to be refrigerated.

Mr. 22

New member

Now that there is some funny s**t... I don't care who you are.

And if you don't think it is... you just get the hell outta here. (Thanx Larry the cable guy).

I know... gun safety and practical jokes and all of that.

Trooper Tyree

New member
Have you tried using vegemite for bullet lube yet?
I use it for Axle grease and as an anti corrosion coating on all exposed metals. It's great for preserving rifles long term.

Vegemite is really good in stews and on roasts. It is a good flavoring as it has a high salt content. Great in the tucker box as it doesn't need to be refrigerated.

For your toast though, Marmite is the way to go. :D

Actually, all joking aside, a local vegemite shortage drove me to a small British shop where within was Marmite. I haven't looked back since, excepting I do think Vegemite is better for stews and meats. Marmite and cream cheese on toast or crackers though, heavenly, great stuff. :)

Probably not as good as Vegemite for bullet lube and anti corrosive duty though.


New member
guns are just something you do not do this with. anyone using a gun to play practical jokes with, well, i will try to be nice, is just ignorant. when i was in junior high, a couple of the kids did something really stupid with a gun. they ended up putting one of the other kids father in the hospital for 3 weeks. and they had a lot of legal trouble for it. which they deserved. just plain stupid. thankfully, the father recovered. it could have been a lot worse.