Potato Potahto (Again) 115 VS 147.


New member
For self defense, I'd go with the heavy bullet every time. But with that said, every pistol has a sweet load. And as it ages, the sweet spot tends to get heavier and slower.


New member
I prefer 122/124 and 115 grain in my loads, for the simple reason that they shoot better from my gun. They are more accurate than the 147 grain, and it dosent matter what the bullet weight is if it dosent hit where I aim.
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New member
So probably except for the Hydra-shock, 147's are something to avoid.

The Hydrashok 147gr. may have been the best in that bullet weight.

However, the Hydrashok has been replaced by the superior HST in all bullet weights. That's the 147 gr. you want, IMO, if you want that bullet weight.


New member
^^^^ Best advice of the whole bunch ;)

Everything has been a big help.

I think I won't get worked up on having whatever, just a good bullet in standard pressure 115 or 124.

Then WHEN (not if....it's a amtter of time VS money) I get a 9MM sig maybe use a few +Ps.


New member
Many a day in the 1970s I strapped on a WWII BHP loaded with 115gr FMJ Win or Rems. It was the reality of the times and what was available.


New member
one thing you may have overlooked if your gun shoots 115gr to POA you'll likely shoot high with 147s,maybe not enough to matter at close SD ranges but something to concider.


New member
If you are going to use hollowpoints,you need the velocity to make them work.

As the weight of the bullet goes up,that critical speed goes down unless the powder charged is changed to speed the heavier bullet back up.

I'm leaning towards +p 115 to 124 grn bullets in hollowpoints but the 9mm was designeed to work with 115 grn bullets for a reason.

Ironically the much hated 40 S&W is a viable alternative to using heavier rounds in the 9mm.


New member
I think I will be keeping an eye out for winchester 115 Silvertips and 147 Hydra-shoks.

No and Hell No.

The Silvertip is an antiquated design. Good 20+ years ago. Much better stuff out there today.

The Hydra-Shok, likewise. Note that the Hydra-Shok is not at all the same as the HST, which is a very modern design.

I currently carry the DPX 115 and the Ranger 127+p+; however I will be testing the HST soon. Time marches on.


New member
If you are going to use hollowpoints,you need the velocity to make them work.
yes, 20 years ago you needed close to 1200fps to get them to work consistantly,modern designs have brought that # way down.many modern designs (hst,golddots and ranger Ts) work below 800.

Ranger Ts,HST and Ranger Bonded 147s all preform very well in all FBI tests.


New member
I got a link to some Speer standard pressure 124 grain I'm looking at.

But main thing is both choices mentioned are above standard pressure ;)

And I don't mind about "Old" designs. Okay, not as good as today, but certainly not outdated. Then again, I have a differant emphasis as most people.

Penetration is one of my bigger factors (Not all).

That's why I am carrying the XTP in .40. Expansion is okay, but the way I look at it, for what I believe the most likely use is, I want penetration. Although I want expansion, I think a .40 hole is decent on it's own right. If it doesn't do enough, 5-6 should cure it.