Possible news from Kahr.


New member
If it wasn't for our stupid ATF import laws I'm sure GLock would have made a nice .380 backup years ago. What a gun that would be!! If Kahr applies its patents and know how to a small .380 it would be one heck of a summer CCW or backup gun. I do think it would, and should, be smaller than the PM9 though. I don't see a market for the same gun in a smaller caliber. But make it a tad smaller, and reliable and I bet they will sell like crazy!!

Keltecs certainly do, if Kahr can get close in size and for a $100 more or so. I think they will have a winner.


New member
Well sort of:


Mild mannered Glock

The GLOCK 25 with the low-recoil .380, introduced in 1995 during the IWA show in Germany, was mainly developed for the South American market in mind, where civilian personnel are not allowed to possess handguns in military calibers. Because of its small dimensions, corresponding to those
of the GLOCK 19, the GLOCK 25 can be comfortably carried concealed.

SYSTEM: Safe Action
LENGTH: 174 mm / 6.85 in.
HEIGHT: 127 mm / 5.00 in
WIDTH: 30 mm / 1.18 in.
BARREL HEIGHT: 32 mm / 1.26 in.
WEIGHT: 570 g / 20.11 oz.
LOADED (~):774 g / 27.31 oz.
MAG. CAPACITY: Standard: 15
OPTIONAL: 17 / 19

GLOCK 28 .380 AUTO

Like the GLOCK 25, the GLOCK 28 in .380 is also blowback operated. Small in dimensions and weight, it is great in performance when carried concealed. Because of the low-recoil firing characteristic of the .380 cartridge, it can be easily and accurately controlled. The standard magazine capacity of this balanced pistol of 10 rounds can be increased to 19 rounds when using optional magazines.

SYSTEM: Safe Action
LENGTH: 160 mm / 6.29 in.
HEIGHT: 106 mm / 4.17 in.
WIDTH: 30 mm / 1.18 in.
BARREL HEIGHT: 32 mm / 1.26 in.
WEIGHT: 529 g / 18.66 oz.
LOADED (~): 675 g / 23.77 oz.
MAG. CAPACITY: Standard: 10
OPTIONAL: 12/15/17/19

Not exactly what I would call a back up, I will stick with my Kahr's.


New member
same size?

SYSTEM: Safe Action
LENGTH: 160 mm / 6.29 in.
HEIGHT: 106 mm / 4.17 in.
WIDTH: 30 mm / 1.18 in.
BARREL HEIGHT: 32 mm / 1.26 in.
WEIGHT: 529 g / 18.66 oz.
LOADED (~): 675 g / 23.77 oz.

Looks like it's practically the same size as the glock 26, so why go down in power with no size advantage?
with the low-recoil .380, introduced in 1995 during the IWA show in Germany, was mainly developed for the South American market in mind, where civilian personnel are not allowed to possess handguns in military calibers.

Which is really funny because the .380 was long acceptable as a suitable police caliber in most of Europe.

But then again, in parts of Europe they have the intelligence to be able to make a seperation between the police and the military.

This not not happening in the U.S.A.


New member
I am aware the ATF would consider it a receiver since it contains the firing mechanism

That's generally true but there are exceptions - the current Ruger Mark III .22 auto (and earlier models), for example, where the barrel/receiver is the firearm, not the grip frame that contains the trigger/firing mechanism.

Also 100% correct...