Polymer transparency-new idea?


New member
Just a note for the dude that says japanese have developed stuff....

AMERICA ALREADY USES THAT TECHNOLOGY... and has for quite a while.
Japanese scientists recently developed an experimental 'invisibility cloak' device.
It works 'ok', not great. You can see fish in an aquarium behind the guy wearing it.
When perfected, it could be wrapped around a pistol (MY pistol) making it invisible. I'll just have to remember not to set it down.

The technology has been around for years. The "cloak" does not work alone, however. There has to be a device to irradiate things (outside of the cloak) for it to work. Moreover, it only works from a narrow perspective (in only one direction of view). That is to say, if person A wears the cloak and appears invisible to person B, person A will become visible if person B moves a couple of feet to either side.