Polymer transparency-new idea?


New member
Polymer guns are just plastic formulas, right? And presumably they add some sort of coloring agent to make them black or brown or green or whatever. How about this-say that Glock decided to leave their plastic frame compound transparent and make some frames and magazine bodies from clear polymer compounds with no additives. Then you would have a really unique gun, one that lets you see inside the guts and also, since the mag body is clear, you would have sort of a "cartridge counter" feature, you could just look at your gun to check your magazine reserve? Crazy idea or what? They make clear plastic mags for the Ruger .22's so you can see inside to count your reserve. Except the gun itself does not let you see thru it. Also the clear banana mags for the Rugers let you check your loads. Lugers once had a window in the grips to see into the mag with a slot down the side. Rare variation.

Rich Keagy

New member
one step further

Japanese scientists recently developed an experimental 'invisibility cloak' device.
It works 'ok', not great. You can see fish in an aquarium behind the guy wearing it.
When perfected, it could be wrapped around a pistol (MY pistol) making it invisible. I'll just have to remember not to set it down.


New member
I'd definitely go for transparent magazines. Having a quick way to count rounds is always useful. But a clear frame? Not too sold on that yet.


New member
Polymer is kind of a generic term.... much like 'beer'.

There are lots of polymers and many are clear in their natural state such as polystyrene and polyethylene. However, those polymers with enough strength to be used in firearms are not really clear in their natural state.

Some examples of polyesters (base chemical is dimethylterephalate) or even some high end nylons(base chemical is caprolactam) with enough strength to withstand the wear and tear are all more translucent than transparent.

However, advances in polymer chemistry will surely soon produce polymers with transparent properties along with the needed strength.
If.... there are enough folks like you that want to see inside the gun and magazine.
Have to admit..... it is an interesting concept.

I for one would like to have a clear truck.;)


New member
not clear per se, but translucent, so you could see your round count like the ar-15 mags.

ive always liked those xray iimages of a gun firing.


New member
a 'clear polymer' gun would quickly turn black inside when you fired it as carbon powder filled all the chambers and settled inside the spaces. It might look pretty ugly between cleanings... not to mention 'milky' spots where it was scratched more inside, and clear spots where it saw less wear.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
The Glock frame is some version of nylon, I believe. I don't think it's naturally transparent.

A transparent gun would be cool however. Some day soon they'll invent that transparent aluminum alloy from Star Trek and we'll see all kinds of cool things.:);)


New member
It's been sort of tried before. The old ASP 9mm's had transluscent grip panels so that the number of rounds in the mag could be visually verified.


New member
OK maybe stick to transparent magazines. Maybe I was thinking of that picture of a Savage rifle I just saw in a magazine article. Looked like they made a tranparent stock for it to show off their new rifle.


New member
If they could make the frame transparent, I'm sure someone would buy it, but it just seems like it would be ugly as hell to me. Not to mention after a few shots at the range it would start to lose its transparency.


New member
Yeah, many plastics aren't "naturally" clear and colorless. Also, many airsoft guns are made with clear and colorless plastic to make it more obvious that they aren't real firearms.

It's been sort of tried before. The old ASP 9mm's had transluscent grip panels so that the number of rounds in the mag could be visually verified.


Clear and colorless grips combined with cutouts in a metal magazine seem to be a better way to do it. This way, it could be done with most pistols as well.


Polymer tends to be easily damaged by UV light and there is a lot of UV in sunlight. The reason that Glocks (and probably other polymer guns as well) are black is that the addition of carbon black to the polymer provides a high level of immunity to damage from UV exposure. You could make it translucent/transparent, but it would be at the expense of losing resistance to UV exposure.


New member
Sig made a clear P250. Said it wasn't for sale to the public though, just a demo to show off the insides.


New member
Polymer is kind of a generic term.... much like 'beer'.

More generic than beer, more like "alcoholic beverages". Most people think polymer is short for "Modern space age super materials". My own definition is "junk".


New member
There IS such a Gun. EAA made a clear polymer frame several years ago. I went to their website but it seems that they have discontinued it.


New member
Well polymer guns have been around for a long time now, and I did not know for sure if it was impractical or just not marketable in such a configuration. So it was a pipe dream, if a pointless exercise feel free to let the thread die...