Pistol grip Only POLL

Have you tried a PGO grip and do you still use it...

  • I have tried it but do not use it.

    Votes: 24 23.1%
  • I have tried it and do still use it.

    Votes: 18 17.3%
  • I have tried it but removed it and got rid of it.

    Votes: 14 13.5%
  • I have tried it but removed it still have it though.

    Votes: 19 18.3%
  • I have never tried but would like to.

    Votes: 19 18.3%
  • I have never tried it, won't try it.

    Votes: 15 14.4%

  • Total voters


Staff In Memoriam
This isn't a what is good better or best. It is simply to state if you have previously owned and tried the PGO. If you have, do you still own it and/or use it.


New member
I was planning on getting a PG shotgun but I'm not a very strong guy and only weigh 155 lbs, thus I don't think I would be able to handle the recoil. I'm going to stick with the stock. :)

Ricky B

New member
In case anyone wonders how someone could vote "No, I haven't and don't want to try it," I figure that if Dave McC says that it isn't much fun, I can trust him on that.

Lee Lapin

New member
Used one for a while- a Win 1300 20 gauge pump with a laser and a Speedfeed bird's head style PG. Quit working where I needed the compactness inside vehicles and put the conventional shoulder stock back on the gun. The PG is still in the parts bin somewhere...



New member
Tried the speedfeed birdshead style for 870. Tried the Mossberg 500 factory version. Tried the butler creek folding stock for 870. All have found their way to other homes.

Evan Thomas

New member
Never tried one, don't need to. Along with a bunch of other things, like, oh, heroin, bungee jumping, eating live frogs... :p


New member
Have the speedfeed birdshead grip on my HD Mossberg. No problem handling recoil or hitting what I point at, even at 25yds. My Mossberg has the Hogue overmolded fore-end, which gives me a good grip out front. I use full power 00 buck.
If I want a shotgun with a stock, I have a Remingtom Model 11 riot gun.


New member
have tried both pg only and pg with buttstock. have pg w/buttstock on 2 870wingmaster 12 ga. better control when hunting deer. but no pg only on any presently. presently using a speedfeed type 2 on a 12 ga 870 express mag.


New member
PGOs are so you can show friends and have them go "whoah PGO" and generally be a mall ninja, I see people with them at the range who give up on shooting once there hand hurts (maybe a full tube)


New member
The only friend who has seen mine was my shooting buddy, when we both had ours at the range and were shooting slugs at 25yds (and hitting).


New member
I'm not a mall ninja, but I do have a PG on my HD shotgun at the moment. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. It reduces the OAL of the gun and IMHO increases your manoeuvre-ability a bit. I kept the original wood forend on mine and added a heat shield and side saddle. I like the way it looks... almost a Mad Max type shotgun :)

When I start to add lasers and tri-rail forends you are more than welcome to accuse me of "Mall Ninja-ism." Until then I'll stick with my PGP for HD purposes. Besides, it takes all of 2 minutes to switch it back to the original stock if I feel the need.


Staff In Memoriam
Sixer, I will concede that in a 22 inch wide hall way under battle conditions OAL is a factor. But other than that with conscious deliberate motions, both are basically equal. I can also perry and thrust fore and aft with the 18 inch barrel full stock equipped 500...:D:eek: In close confines you are as apt to confront a BG as in the open and it is still easier to get your gun from you....;)


New member
Had one on the 500....hated it, added a front pistol grip (thought that might help), still hated it, sold both, added a full stock and never looked back. :)


New member
Tried it did not like it at all.

To much muzzle climb, less positive feel. Like I can point shoot a pump gun at targets over 100 feet away just fine, but the PGO really messed my pointing just not natural at all.

I play informal airsoft games with pump shotgun based airsoft guns and find that the size is not the problem but rather how you hold it or your tactic. We have PGO as well as full stock and CAR-15 style stocks. I grab the one with the CAR-15 stock a lot, next up would be one with a "speed feedish" stock one with a pistol grip and fixed stock. If I get stuck with a normal style stock I just lay in wait or stick to more open areas and avoid looking for trouble.

I find the pistol grips help you pump the gun when shooting at odd angles or from cover. The collapsing stock helps for tight corners, but even still I normally just put the stock under my arm like I did for years grouse hunting in swamps.


New member
I have my regular stock, 20 inch deer barrel, and cloth slip on side saddle that holds 5 shells, and took off rock-hard factory pad and put in a slip on limbsaver. I can room clear with it just fine, shoot it at the range, slugs, buck, it doesn't matter.


New member
A failure to communicate...

Brent, aka hogdogs, started this thread very succinctly identifying the type of stock in question as a "Pistol Gip Only" or "PGO."

I think no one has a problem conjuring up in his mind's eye what a PGO looks like, but that's where the concordance in communication stops. In the first reply Dave Shotgun says,
I was planning on getting a PG shotgun but I'm not a very strong guy and only weigh 155 lbs, thus I don't think I would be able to handle the recoil. I'm going to stick with the stock.
And, further on, Tommy Vercetti comments,
I keep a pistolgrip shotgun handy to "repel boarders"
I suspect I know what they mean; however, I'm really not sure. Are you?

In the world of plastic stocked Mossberg 500s and Remington 870s the terms "pistol grip" and "pistol grip only" may have become synonymous, but they are not in the realm of sporting and target shotguns. The term "pistol grip" goes way back and was initially used to distinguish grip stocks from classic straight, or English, stocks. The majority of shotguns sold in the US are of the "pistol grip" style. With tactical specific shotguns came the introduction of "detached pistol grip" and "pistol grip only" stocks. To avoid confusion, when using the term "pistol grip" remember to include "detached (or full)" or "only" as applicable, otherwise you're talking about a conventional stock.

I am not a hardcore shotgunner by any means but I did buy a Mossberg 590 recently and got a PG to replace the factory stock and forend.

Let me say that I'm 6'5 and 300+ pounds. I've been able to take it out to the range a few times since I bought it, first time I was a little afraid to shoot slugs through it but the second time I ran 9 slugs through quickly and accurately out to 20 or 25 yards (I did that drill a few times). Recoil wasn't bad at all and I was racking the slide as fast I could without being out of control.

I much prefer the size of the gun and feel of the pistol grips for something I'll be carrying through my home should the need arise, very compact, very close to my body, and points very naturally. I have no intentions of ninja'ing it out anymore...maybe a sling so I can have a light in one hand and a hand controlling the gun in a ready for action position.

I also have a couple of other options if I need a shotgun with a stock for whatever reason..but I'm happy with my bump in the night gun.