pistol coming off safety with IWB carry


New member
Must be other demons at work here, since myself and others on this thread have had no such problems when regularly carrying the 1911 pistol.
Question: If the gun doesn't move in your holster, how is it going to get off safe? It is possible to off safe the gun during holstering. I put my thumb under the safety when holstering. Just enough upward pressure to know it stays on.

I thought that also but checked the safety once holstered and it was on safety.


I have carried a Government Model 1911 in a Ted Blocker LFI-1 rig for well over 20 years and I have found the safety disengaged perhaps 4 times. Being self employed, I get to go active in the field, and play office boy too.

My safety has never dis-engaged while shuffling papers in the office. Always in the field working or playing hard. For this reason, I trust my holster and check it at times.

If your safety dis-engages on its own on your 1911 pattern pistol, take a look at what you were doing and keep it in perspective. Chances are good that you do not need a new holster after all. just slow down a little.


New member
I've had/seen this happen with certain combinations of 1911 and holsters, including a duty holster or two. I don't like big safeties anyhow so my 1911's invariably have the GI or Colt commercial style safety. I won't tolerate a mushy safety or one that takes undue effort to switch either direction.

These days I IWB with a Safariland 27 and I've never had the safety come off, even after long days.