Pimped my P32!


New member
Looks real nice Bill and I can tell from the bottom pic that it is more of a darker blue. Looks kinda like S&W blue.

Again very nice work, I'd glanced at your site before, but didn't realize you were that talented.


New member

It was a joke. Don't take it to serious. The slide looks awesome, I'm just not that fond of the blue frame it's sitting on. Its your gun, if you like it that's all that matters. Don't get all bent out of shape one what other people think.


New member
Very cool. I've been debating on sending mine to golden loki for some outrageous color scheme like lime green or ferarri red.


New member
Haha... funny thread for sure! :D
If ever there was a gangsta Smurf gun, thats it.

So Bill, you cant start the thread with the word "Pimped" in the title, then get your shorts in a wad when "Ghetto" is also used to describe your engraved plated blue P32.
Its the proverbial foregone conclusion I'm afraid.

Get a gold toof Bill, you'll be all set!

Joking aside, it is nice work tho, and it does look pretty cool overall.


New member
Can I send you mine?



PSYFLY, he nickle plated my p11 and p3at recently and as a satisfied customer I can tell you, you will not be disappointed.

Great guy and great work.


New member
No disrespect Bill.... but you couldn't pay me to own that gun.:eek:

If you like being different... as you say.. you have certainly accomplished that good sir.

To each his own I suppose, but definitely not my cup of tea.

This is not an attack on you... I have been to ur webpage before.. you do amazing work... but a Nickle and BLUE engraved kel-tec made me wince a little bit.:eek:


New member
I like it. I was actually window shopping at my favorite pawn shop the other day and they had a new Ruger LCP Talo edition in there with a nickeled and engraved slide....had to put it on layaway but it should be home in a couple weeks. :)