Pics of weapons MD sniper may be using


New member
check out the battery slot in the buttstock:

Bear Flare

New member
Notice that all those guns are black. Pretty hunting rifles or Ruger Mini 14's with wood stocks and shiney stainless steel barrels couldn't POSSIBLY be used in a crime, could they?

Bias, bias, bias, bias, ignorance, deliberate deception, bias, bias, bias, lie, lie, bias.

Sounds familiar, eh?

Bear Flare
Actually the real thing has that same slot. The precursor to the Colt Commando (XM177) was actually called the CAR-15 and had the short triangular handguards, and a retractable stock. The slot is for a two position switch on the buttplate that allows you to adjust the stock.

I've only seen the gun in books and museums but it does have that slot present.

Navy joe

New member
The World Guns pic is the lifted Airsoft pic. As someone astutely pointed out you can see no gas tube going into the upper just behind the handguard ring. Hmm, maybe that's why he's just firing once ;)

Futo Inu

New member
Where's the NEF Handi break rifle? Notice how the gummint sumbiches even made the bolt rifle "scary" / black? So I suppose anyone among the sheeple that spots some1 carrying one of those strange offending rifles should immediately rat on them and bring an investigation down on them, eh?


New member
maybe the real firearms experts should assist the county by publishing a
guide to .223 (5.56) weapons and ammo

The gun digests or just searching manufacturer websites should reveal the
models and illustrations.

maybe as a "community sevice" the NRA could release the tome.


Moderator Emeritus
Navy Joe,

Actually, I think the gas tube is just washed out against the light background in that photo; Tokyo Marui airsofts are pretty much indistinguishable from the real thing. The pic of the same gun in their glossy catalog definitely shows a dummy gas tube. There are some lower-end airsofts that can be spotted fairly easily, usually by a check of the ejection port or certain proportions of the gun that were slightly altered. Half the "suppressed MP-5's" you see in magazine ads and catalogs by tactical gear companies are airsofts. The "MP5K" that Marcinko is holding for the cover photo of Rogue Warrior II: Red Cell is an older spring-piston airsoft.


Something to think about.....

I've been following the news about this idiot shooting people out there on the east coast and the media hype over "what the sniper weapon is". Now we have pictures of assault rifles and hunting rifles that are being suggested as possiable weapons.

Now think, what .223 weapon could be, "light, small, and concealed"?

Thompson Contender, w/10" or 14" barrel, with a 2X-4X long eye relief scope.

You could be 100-200 yds away with it, carry it in a brief case or under a long over coat, and no one knows.

I have a 10" version and 100 yard shots into a beer can are possiable.

Something to think about.

David Park

New member
dZ wrote:
maybe as a "community sevice" the NRA could release the tome.
I've been pretty damn disappointed with the NRA, especially since this is happening in their backyard. They should have anticipated the gun grabber press releases that are now being quickly converted to newspaper editorials. However, the only story I've seen where someone tried to contact the NRA said something like "the NRA did not respond to repeated requests for comments." They could be using this tragic crime as a chance to educate the media, and thus the public, about firearms. Instead, it looks like they're running scared.

At least Larry Pratt from GOA was on the radio this morning trying to argue against ballistic fingerprinting. Unfortunately, he wasn't very convincing. (Larry, print out a copy of Gun Facts next time.)



New member
Although this moron would be better served with a bolt or single shot weapon, it's highly likely that he IS using an AR or Mini-14, etc... Otherwise, why do they keep finding shell casings? Hell, this wannabe probably wears a Ghille suit in the van too.

Have you guys noticed the one chief of police who keeps referring to "high powered optics" in a negative way? He also keeps talking about "gun nuts".

Look out hunters, Maryland's coming after your Leupold!!! :eek: