Picked up the XDm-9 today (review info)


New member
I finally got this bad boy to the range this weekend for a test run. Here are my thoughts ...


I put 200 rounds thru the XDm on Saturday. It performed flawlessly without any issues. Two hundred rounds isn't very much in the scheme of things but you get the idea.

The gear didn't get much of a work out accept for the mag loader. Up thru 10 rounds it worked great, but then up thru the 19th round it took some getting used to & learning what hand position worked the best. I'm sure this has to do w/ the springs being new.

Next comes accuracy. This is a tough one because as you'll see from the photos below I need alot of work. I'm about 99% sure however the match barrel will work as advertised in the hands of a proficient shooter.

The performance was topped off by the XDm's comfort. To someone who is used to a Glock, the slim design & angle actually felt more natural on the XDm. The sites seems to point a bit more naturally as my eyes tend to work better w/ the 3 dot sites. Also, even with the longer length of the grip, it was still very natural fitting in my hand.


The features that stand out in my mind are the large capacity mags, the ease of take down, and the back-strap safety (however I do admit it's a waste ... but I'm ok with it).


The most appealing factor in my opinion is the 19+1 & the included accessories. Also, the gun is extremely easy to disassemble which adds to the "no non-sense" appeal. I also believe it's a nice polymer choice in case you don't want to buy a Glock.

For $609 I don't see how much more you could pack into a firearm. With a little more practice (or maybe alot more practice) this will become one of my most used firearms.

The only addition I can see myself making is a set of night sites.

Here are some photos from the range. In this first photo, which is only at 7 yards, you can see my errors. I wasn't used to the firearm but I was VERY irritated about pulling to the left. I should easily shoot this well at 25 yards ... but, oh well.


Next I took 10 shots at the smaller ring from 10 yards. I felt better about these, hitting 4 in the ring, but it still wasn't great.


Here's picture #3. I'm still having issues & shooting all over the place.


Finally, I'm back on the smaller target, & while it's only 3 shoots, I really tried to concentrate. It was an ok finish to the day but I wasn't a happy camper driving home. The good news is I really enjoyed the XDm.


chris in va

New member
I never did get used to shooting my XD9 a while back. No matter how hard I concentrated, just wouldn't hit what I aimed at. Probably just takes practice, more than I had patience for.


New member
I took the XD back out this Saturday. I was hoping my "low & left" issue would be improved b/c of the dry firing practice I did the week prior. Overall, it's better but still not great. I'm glad however that it wasn't low & left.



New member
Now I am all pumped up. I purchased a 40 XDM a few weeks ago and have not had time to get out and shoot it. Nice job


New member
Nice gun. If the made it in 4" barrel I would have gladly paid the extra $100 to get it. But they don't so I bought a regular xd9 4" to go with my xd40 4"... but still a little jealous


New member
I bought mine last December for $579, excellent firearm, no complaints what so ever! Just purchased the SA subcompact 40 based on the quality of the XDm, haven't shot it yet but certainly look forward to doing so.


New member
I followed Darth Tedd's lead and picked up a XDM 9 and am quite impressed. I had previously purchased a XD Tactical in .40S&W and while I like it very much, the XDM is a marked improvement. I believe the trigger is superior, I very much like the sight picture and frankly, it feels better in the hand. I've yet to put in on paper, but I did manage a bit of plinking. It shoots to point of aim and the handling characteristic are terrific. I'm still a huge 1911 advocate, but there's plenty of room for the XDM in my stable. Thanks Darth!


New member
Glad I can be of assistance. Now if only I could make money in the firearms industry instead of it just being a hobby ... :(


New member
Nice guns, my buddy got one last weekend at sportsmans wharehouse, was $579.00 then he got a $150 gift card for free, Pretty good deal i think, I liked shooting it, seemed smooth, trigger was ok, better then some but still not as nice as my G22, and Im not to keen with no night sights, but for the price I think its a pretty good gun, I shoot with several guys that have them and havent heard anything bad!! Congrats!!


New member
I like the XD(m) but wish they made a .45 ACP variant. I have the XD-45 ACP Service and have found it to be a more than satisfactory weapon for the price. Once the XD(m) is available in my "flavor" I will be all over it. Its hard to beat the quality of these XDs for the price.

Either way, sharp gun you have there.


New member

Here's an added update. These photos are from a few weeks ago (my 3rd time out overall).

As you can see I'm still left. Its driving me nuts but it's my lack of skill. I just need to practice more and quite yanking it off to the side.



N.H. Yankee

New member
I bought the XDm 40 a few weeks ago and absolutely love the gun. I was hesitant between the 40 and the 9mm, but the 40 won out. The 9mm is next on my list though, unless the 45acp XDm comes out, then once again, decision time.


New member
Are you dragging your trigger finger across instead of pressing straight back?

Possibly. It drives me freakin' nuts to be honest. I've tried just about everything to correct it. What gets me is I've used firearms for quite a few years now, but I'll see newbs pick them up and shoot better.

At times I just think I should accept it. :mad:

When I shoot a bow its the same thing. I have issues with anticipating the shot.


New member
Any thing under that XD-m disk thing?

Never found an answer to this question? Anything cool under that guy? :)

I've been looking at an XD(m) for a while now. Have to wait a few more pay checks to spend the extra cash though.. *sigh* so I sit here and fall in love with yours! :p


New member
I really love this gun (also have a CZ75b and a glock 19).

I like all my guns. What I like so much about the XDM 9mm is that it's the funnest gun I have to shoot (high capacity and high comfort) and it's really easy to take down. I've put about 800 rounds through it and I've never had any malfunction of any sort (I've never had any jams or malfunctions with any of my guns).

When I first got it I was shooting to the left slightly, which apparently is common with this gun. I think it's the way it rests in your hand. Anyway, I had the rear sight moved to the right ever so slightly, and now I'm as accurate with it as the CZ75B I have.

Just a great gun. Enjoy.


New member
This post has really got me jazzed up, thanks for posting your experience. I'll be picking my XDm 9mm up in 2 weeks, and I cant wait!!!! I shot my first IDPA club match with my Sig 239, and the XDm will be used primarily for local IDPA club matches. I cant wait!!


New member
When I shoot to the left it's because i'm gripping to hard in an effort to control recoil. That and/or using to much trigger finger. You'll get it figured out. Also, try not to shoot more than 150 rounds in a session because fatigue will effect your shooting.. (so I've heard)

Also, nice gun! XDms are pretty :D