Picked up the XDm-9 today (review info)


New member
I just picked it up today for $609 + tax so I've not had it to the range but I did get a chance to snap a few pictures.




Table Top / First Impressions:

1) I noticed the size of the case & the overall quality of the accessories & the way the firearm is packed. The case & the mag holder actually have rails on the side ... no clue why but looks cool.

I was looking for an all encompassing "Get Out Of Town" survival rig & this one fits the bill. Everything but the ammo is housed in this case. It could easily be packed in a vehicle or atv if needed.

2) I noticed the comfort of the firearm itself. I've not had time to change out the back straps yet, but the stock setup really feels ergonomically solid.

3) The next aspect that caught my attention was the ease of breakdown. I was able to take the slide off in a matter of seconds without reading the manual (I do admit to seeing a video review a few days ago however).

4) Finally, what made me take notice was the 19 round mark on the magazines. I knew going into the purchase about the 19+1 but seeing it in a 2 mag set along with all of the gear impressive!

Minor Flaw:

The only minor flaw I can see thus far is on the rear sight. One the white dots doesn't look as though it was filled in completely with the paint. Keep in mind though, this is VERY minor & not very noticeable when focusing on the front site peg.
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New member
Any thing under that XD-m disk thing? :D

The rails on the mag pouch is used to connect it to the mag loader.


Congrats! Don't forget to take the mag loader with you when you go shooting...or your fingers will get very tired

I took mine to the range today and put its 500th round thru it. When I first shot this gun, I hated the trigger. Now, I love it! This is one great gun.
Btw I'd rather load the mags by hand, once you have loaded them a few times it becomes easier. I must say those last four rounds take some effort.;)


Also every time I have taken it out I get more accurate with it, I'm sure it has alot to do with the trigger breaking in and just me being more familiar. Shot out the center of the target, one big ragged hole. I also tried Federal 147 grain hollow points today for the first time and it ate and shot them perfectly.


New member
$609...I must be lucky where I live. It seems that almost every gun mentioned on this site is less expensive here. Not much of a difference but it is $569 for the XDM9 here...used to be $559.


P.S. Sorry for the highjack:rolleyes:


New member
I dropped into one of our local, (kcmo) gun stores and just about bought one based upon what you've said. I very much liked it, but wonder if I can afford it after taking a recent beating in the market. I must remind myself that I won't live forever. Spend some money, you can't take it with you. Awesome looking pistol and I too think you'll love it! It is on my short list.
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N.H. Yankee

New member
I bought an XDm 40 a couple weeks ago and put a few down the tube and I am thrilled with the gun. Lucky I had some ammo and reloads on hand to shoot. Very accurate gun, handles recoil well, and 100% reliable so far.

Uncle Malice

New member
I just bought my XDM-9 today on my lunch break! I went into Scottsdale Gun Club to look at the XD-9 subcompact and they were out!

I asked to check out the XDM and as soon as it hit my hand I knew it was coming home with me. Even though it was a fair bit more than I wanted to spend... I would've kicked myself had I not gotten it!! It's a full size pistol and easier to conceal than my Glock 23!! It's so thin and aerodynamic.

Now I just need to find a good IWB holster that will work with it :rolleyes: