P7M8 mag release question

"As an aside, the U.S Park Police, (not the Rangers, who plodded along with .38's and some .357's in the end) were issued HK-P7's for a while in the mid to late 80's. I don't believe they utilized them long, and made the jump to SIGS with the rest of DOI (including the Rangers!) in the early 90's."

Sorry, Bamaranger, but that's not really correct.

I know, because one of my best friends is a lieutenant with the Park Police with over 27 years on the job and was for about 2 years their public information officer.

Park Police were armed for a long time (probably the 1960s through the 1980s) with Smith & Wesson Model 10s.

In the early 1990s (1990 or 1991, IIRC) they transitioned to HK P7M8s and P7M13s. Detectives and female officers generally got the M8s, all others got the M13s.

USPP carried those guns until sometime in 2010, summer I think is when the transition started, NOT to Sigs, but to HK P2000s in .40 Smith & Wesson.

The P2000 is the only approved duty weapon.

During the P7 years there were, IIRC, no approved off-duty weapons other than the P7 or a firearm that operated in the same manner. Given that HK was the only maker of squeeze cockers...

That policy started to change, though, and now USPP officers can carry off duty any firearm that is approved by an armorer and with which the officer can qualify. My friend generally carries a Ruger .380 off duty, but also has a Smith Model 36.

"USPP are urban only and work almost exclusively in DC and San Francisco. How the P7's got selected is a mystery."

Park Police also have a significant presence in New York City, and lesser presences in Philadelphia, and I THINK Florida and possibly Texas.
I've used a P7M13 and my P7PSP in a couple of steel plate matches and have done very well with them.

I love the P7. I'm very accurate with it.
yeah, i love the p7 in defensive or quick reaction type drills and competitions. it's abilities as a point-and-shoot weapon are unmatched IMO. if only it were hi-capacity...
You think P13 magazines are expensive?

Try finding M10 magazines...

HK Parts Net has them for just shy of $110 a piece. I've seen them in gunshops and at gunshows for more than $150.

The P13 magazines at HK Parts Net are $97 and change, while Midway has them for $110. Oops. Midway is out of stock.
Yes, they are built like tanks, there is no doubt about that.

I have four for my PSP and I figure those are the only four I'll ever need unless they are hit by asteroids.
i have 3 for mine. 2 came with it thank god. had i known at the time how much spares cost, i would have been even more thrilled to get a grade A for $700.


New member
I was able to accumulate a couple mags back when they were very scarce, prior to the Saxony guns hitting the shore, along with the load of extra mags that came with them. The cheapest I paid was only $40. The most was $75.

This is my BMI marked, 1995 PSP with a holster I bought but never used for carry.

I love that old black nickle TAP ammo. Looks like it was made for the PSP. Style kudos to Hornady. :D


New member
Haven't shot mine yet and won't get a chance for another two weeks. :( Oh well. It only came with one mag so I'll have to keep my eyes out for others.

Now the holster hunt begins. I'm looking for IWB. Any suggestions?


New member

Hey, I can take a little correction, no problem.

I had no idea the P7 and P11 stayed in service that long. Last one I saw on duty was a P7 in the hands of a USPP Cpt in 1986-7, who oversaw the LE function for the SW Region. I should have simply posted that.

Still, how did USPP end up with HK's. Still a mystery.
I guess it's who won the bidding. For awhile they had, and may still have, Benelli shotguns. Cruiser guns are Remington 870s.

Regarding the duty stations, I'll check with my friend when he wakes up. I may very well be wrong about Florida and Texas.

Regarding Philadelphia, they have at least one officer stationed there, as my friend was seriously considering putting in for it when the guy retired last summer.


New member
IWB Holster? Milt Sparks VMII. However, my PSP rides in a cheap Uncle Mike's holster designed for a small auto. It is OWB however.