Owners of the LCPII.


New member
Disagree completely. A pocket holster is necessary for several reasons:

- Prevent negligent discharges
- Prevent dirt, dust, debris from compromising the action
- Keeps gun oriented properly
- Provide a consistent, smooth draw.

They also help break up the outline of the gun, which isn't necessary, but certainly doesn't hurt. Also, nothing else goes in the pocket other than the gun and holster.

Exactly. Orientation is important. My gun stays vertical with the trigger covered. I can draw the gun with my trigger finger along side the gun.

Bill DeShivs

New member
People carried guns in their pockets for over a hundred years before pocket holsters became popular.

Negligent discharges are very nearly impossible with a D/A gun.
Dirt/debris are not a problem if you clean the gun frequently.
My gun stays reasonably well oriented. Yours may not.
I have no problem with draw.

Pocket holsters make the gun more bulky and uncomfortable to carry FOR ME.
YOUR mileage may vary.

And you are correct-nothing EVER goes in that pocket with the gun!

Sorry for the thread drift.

Bill DeShivs

New member
It's not advice. I simply said it's not necessary.

As I said, I recommend people use a pocket holster. I choose not to, and feel it's the best way for me to carry that particular gun.


New member
Bought mine about 3 weeks ago, but was finally able to get to the range today to test it out.

Initial impressions after only 100 rounds:

- I fired about 25 American Gunner (XTP's) and 75 Geco FMJ's. It managed to shoot these just fine.
- Used mag that came with the new LCP, and older LCP mag and one of those mags from ProMags. All worked fine, but as predicted, the older LCP mag and ProMag did not lock the slide back.
- Had a couple of BTF issues with the Geco's.
- Trigger is MUCH improved over my original LCP and found that I was much more accurate with this gun.
- Trigger had a bit of grit, but nothing to get worried about.
- Sights are still pretty much useless IMO.

I brought more ammo with me to try, but it was just too cold and wet to continue.

I can't declare this gun to be a winner after only 100 rounds, but so far, it's a very nice improvement over the original.
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Bart Noir

New member

I have had occasion to call that BTFDBG.

Brass to Face Down Behind Glasses. And yes, a minor burn on the tender cheek behind the lens which caught the brass and held it there. That has happened to me at least twice, but I do not remember which pistols have done that.

I do remember safely setting down the pistols and getting the glasses off in record time. With maybe a few naughty words in the process.

Bart Noir


New member
I recently picked one up with the thought of Summer carry. I'm pretty active and typically in shorts and Tee shirt or Polo style shirt. Sig P290 inside the waist in a Pocket Tuk is EDC, but a sweat soaked shirt clinging to me, that might not be such a great idea...
So far (50 rounds through it) I really like the LCP 2, but I'm not a fan of front pocket carry. I'm still looking for a good holster option. Either wallet style, or some other IWB tuckable.
Planning on a dab of paint on the front site, and maybe down the road, ceracote the slide.


New member
The trigger is single action- of course it's great, but I sure don't want a cocked single action in MY pocket, and I'm a well-seasoned carrier.
Use a proper pocket holster, which is absolutely necessary for pocket carry regardless of the gun type, and it should be no less safe than any other striker-fired pocket pistol.

I'm with Bill DeShiv on this one. Whereas a cocked single-action pistol carried in the pocket is not inherently unsafe, it is certainly less "forgiving" than the original, da version of the LCP. The only way I'd carry a cocked, sa pistol in my pocket is if it had a safety, pocket holster or not.


New member
I'm with Bill DeShiv on this one. Whereas a cocked single-action pistol carried in the pocket is not inherently unsafe, it is certainly less "forgiving" than the original, da version of the LCP. The only way I'd carry a cocked, sa pistol in my pocket is if it had a safety, pocket holster or not.

Sorry, but any gun, safety or not, DA or SA, in a pocket without a holster, is amateur hour. A striker fired gun without a manual safety, carried in a proper pocket holster, is no less safe than carrying one IWB, AIWB, etc.


New member
On my LCP 2, the second gen. I generally use a small OWB holster at 5:00, chambered round...I also carry it in my right front pocket if I need to have a tucked in shirt. (Nothing else in pocket, and hands out of the pocket)