Over-reacting? Don't think so. But made a mistake


New member
Scheduled power outage last night in my city. Supposed to be from Midnight till 11 am this morning. (power actually back on at 4:10 this afternoon)

So...all I hear all night after 12 pm is sirens. I hear sirens maybe twice an hour due to my location close to a very major road that goes through the city- but last night was maybe 5 times an hour hearing a new siren

My city is one that simply will not issue a CCW. I have a Class A, high cap. But it's not a CCW. Anyway. I look out at the street at 12 midnight last night. Very, very dark street and neighborhood as I look it over. I can hear sirens a lot. Folks walking about now and then, too

So I turn around and go inside, get out my flashlight, and get to work. I grab my 1911, load up my three mags. One goes in the pistol, the other two go in my pistol belt mag pouch. The belt, holster, and mag pouch (along with what I took off the belt- the canteen, cover, first aid pouch and unissued Carlisle bandage) are all WWII vintage USGI peices, but hey they did the job in the '40s, right? I can't CCW, but I can be ready to open carry. I'm not parading about with the thing on, it just gets draped over the chair in case its wanted; even in the dark, that chair is easy to find and within arm's reach. The pistol gets loaded, cocked, thumb safety on, and goes on the nightstand

Of course, no troubles last night, as it should be. But seems to me a scheduled power outage is an easy thing to get wind of, and is just the ticket for some shady folks to ply their trade

I made a mistake though, which I saw this morning- the two mags I loaded up and put in the mag pouch were all re-loads. The 7 in the 1911 were all factory though. But I never should have put re-loads in the other two mags. I won't repeat that mistake should a similar situation come up again

Some people might think I'm playing Omega Man. My intent was to not be forced to play Omega Man without a gun handy!


New member
I agree. Being prepared is important. Especially when many have come to look at their neighborhoods as, "War zones". I'm glad such was not the case when I was growing up.


I totally understand because some criminals are hard to see at night!whats wrong with shooting criminals with reloads !more cost efficiant!


New member
Re-loads can be an issue because it has been reported in some cases, that when a homeowner uses a handgun to defend him or her self, that the use of re-loads is used to introduce the question of a 'bloodthirsty' attitude on the part of the homeowner, as in "normal factory loads are not good enough, this man concocted a special recipe and longed to use it on a human"


New member
Let's ask a few other questions in regards to preparing...

- Do you have all cordless phones in your house?
...(they don't work in a power outage)

- Is your phone service via an internet provider (VoIP)?
...(Doesn't work in a power outage)

- Does your cell phone get signal from your house?
...(Did you try it towards the end of the outage?)

- Do you have an alarm system?
...(Does it have a battery back-up?)

This power outage should be a rare event, we hope. Some suggestion follow, which may or may not be appropriate in your case - you decide.

1. Why did you need to load all three mags? Isn't one ready to be used in the event of an intruder? Keep one loaded (preferrably two) even in "nice" areas.

2. I live near two major highways and hear sirens often. Most pass by. Those that don't get me curious. Purchase a scanner from Radio Shack and learn to listen to the calls. It'll keep you updated on crime in your area. Better yet, become a HAM radio operator (ask me in PM) and pick up a portable HAM radio that also picks up police radio frequencies.

3. If you have cordless phones, replace at least the master bedroom phone with a standard one that works in power outages. Better, since you have a PC, obtain a UPS (battery-backup) for it and plug the phone base into it.
Hint: These can be used to recharge batteries too.

4. Talk to other cellphone users around your area to see if they had any trouble with cell service after 6-8 hours. This will tell you how long your cell phone will work in a simlar event.

5. Buy yourself an inexpensive "paddle" style holster for occassional uses like this. Even a Fobus holster will work. This will reduce your preparedness time and allow you to have the gun on your person, but easily removeable if needed.

6. Learn to distinguish between police, fire and ambulance sirens and how they're used. Fire trucks often blast an air-horn too. Fire/Ambulance don't generally turn sirens on/off like the police do.

7. Get yourself a very bright flashlight. Maglites are okay. Tactical lights are better for "social encounters".

Lastly, chill out a little bit. Last time we had a serious outage out here in CA, I chatted with the neighbors in the dark with my snubbie under a light jacket just in case.


New member
Few things.

Police scanners still work?

We had one, but all our cops got "Guberment money" and updated to new digital scramblers. Now it all comes out in gibberish. Our scanner is older though, maybe the new ones work?

Second: I keep 2 loaded magazines for every gun I got with good HPs. Then keep 2 empties that I can load with cheap stuff or more SD ammo if needed.

Third: Ditto on getting a cord phone, still works in an outage....amazing how few people still own them.

Fourth: I like the setup of a belt to carry a gun and mags. I have to slip on a holster and 2 mag pouches to carry (Actually the mag pouches are schrade knife carriers....But they work).

Hehe. I consider myself lucky that we don't live in a city like that....5 miles circle=4 neighbors. And 3 of them are in a small 1/4 mile circle about a mile away....So...No "Rough crowd" problems..


New member
That's a bit of a curious reply to my post Bill. I know you are trying to help here :) This will be long, as you made many points. My replying to reach is not a case of me "getting excited". It is just me taking the time to answer all the points you bring up

Let's ask a few other questions in regards to preparing...

- Do you have all cordless phones in your house?
...(they don't work in a power outage)

I actually received a call from a telemarketer during the power outage on my home phone

I have a base phone, which does and did work during a power outage, as well as a satellite cordless phone for that phone. Obviously, since that phone works on a satellite base and has no jack, it must 'talk' to the base and won't work.

- Is your phone service via an internet provider (VoIP)?
...(Doesn't work in a power outage)

No. And I understand how my phones work... You feel I am quite, how can I say this politely...ignorant of how some basic things work.

- Do you have an alarm system?
...(Does it have a battery back-up?)

No. This is not my house; I rent one floor- the ground floor. Although I have alluded to the term "homeowner" here in reference to the re-loads, it was strictly because the term "homeowner" is convenient to type and perfectly illustrated my point. I know renters put in alarms..ask me some time about how hard it was to convince my landlady to let them put a hole in the wall for cable TV :D

This power outage should be a rare event, we hope. Some suggestion follow, which may or may not be appropriate in your case - you decide.

I would say a scheduled outage is quite rare. This was not a 'bang bang, out go the lights' situation. Letters went out about this on May 1, legitimately from the power company

1. Why did you need to load all three mags? Isn't one ready to be used in the event of an intruder? Keep one loaded (preferably two) even in "nice" areas.

A better question- why would I not load up all three?

I have had mags fail to feed at odd times at the range. These ones always have worked. But why am I relying on that to be a rule of the Universe? I would certainly like to drop a mag and grab another in the absolute pitch black darkness rather than try to fix a mag feed issue. Granted, it's a small chance that swapping mags could fix an issue with feeding in that circumstance...but some chance vs no chance...you decide ;) I am curious though- what Rule did I violate by loading all three reliable mags? I'm not playing some game or reading a rulebook here, if you'll pardon my bluntness for a moment

2. I live near two major highways and hear sirens often. Most pass by. Those that don't get me curious. Purchase a scanner from Radio Shack and learn to listen to the calls. It'll keep you updated on crime in your area. Better yet, become a HAM radio operator (ask me in PM) and pick up a portable HAM radio that also picks up police radio frequencies.

Although this is a good suggestion, I will go on the standpoint that any Police communication is reactive to things that have already happened. I will not be able to plot criminal activity and see if its about to come my way in the situation I describe. The Police are not going to give me a 'heads up' on whether or not I'm about to have a break-in. True, I will get a feel for the general level of crime in the area, but..after living here for 9 years, I already know that. I am not preparing for a riot :) If that was going to happen, I'd hop in my car and leave the 7 year old TV and my 19 year old stereo to the looters (but I'd take my guns)

3. If you have cordless phones, replace at least the master bedroom phone with a standard one that works in power outages. Better, since you have a PC, obtain a UPS (battery-backup) for it and plug the phone base into it.
Hint: These can be used to recharge batteries too.

Good idea on the UPS for the phone base

4. Talk to other cellphone users around your area to see if they had any trouble with cell service after 6-8 hours. This will tell you how long your cell phone will work in a simlar event.

Don't have me one of them fancy things. Long story, but all I see is folks married to their cell phones, it's like they are some Alien face-hugger implanting eggs into everyone's ear. My home phone works during outages as long as there is phone service- the power can be out, but the phone still works. It's why I bought that phone, and it's why I bought one for my parents' house, too.

5. Buy yourself an inexpensive "paddle" style holster for occassional uses like this. Even a Fobus holster will work. This will reduce your preparedness time and allow you to have the gun on your person, but easily removeable if needed.

As I indicated, my WWII relic belt rig was not for parading around like some daffy kid playing Magnum PI, it was to hang on a chair so that the thing was in reach if I actually would somehow need a place to park the pistol or I needed another mag. The GI belt attaches to my person in about 3 seconds flat and does not need a belt or even pants. I could wear it buck naked in fact, which I doubt is true of the fobus- but that said, the pistol was not in the holster, at all, so the pistol in the holster was a non-issue anyway

I'm not describing a situation in which I am laying in wait for trouble; if that was what I thought would happen, I would not have stayed here to have trouble find me. I am describing a situation in which I wanted to go to bed! I'm not wearing a fobus to bed. On one hand, it might pull down my boxers, and on the other, if I was that afraid I would just leave, like I say. I could not justify leaving my person in danger for the mere fact that I was armed

6. Learn to distinguish between police, fire and ambulance sirens and how they're used. Fire trucks often blast an air-horn too. Fire/Ambulance don't generally turn sirens on/off like the police do.

Bill, I'm a 37 year old man with my share of life experience, good, bad, and horrible. I am not a panicker by nature or a dummy. Let us assume for a moment that I know what a police siren sounds like. :)

Also, I would argue that any siren is a sign of trouble. Short story- a few months ago, two blocks from where I sleep, a store was robbed at knife point. I shop there, actually. I was walking by, the bloody owner stumbled out of the shop as the ambulance was coming by. NO COPS AT ALL. I capitalize and underline that to emphasize that the Ambulance siren was the sole siren. So I do not take a lack of a 5.0's whoopa-whoopa as evidence of anything at all. I've also seen, not 200 yards from where I sleep, the Fire Department show up before the BPD did, when there was a drug bust on a passed out addict. Life's a funny thing, but I'm the guy that got the junkie nabbed. I thought it was odd that a man was sleeping on the sidewalk at 3 pm next to a church, and I guess I'm a busybody when I see a guy in a black leather jacket passed out in public in the middle of August...

7. Get yourself a very bright flashlight. Maglites are okay. Tactical lights are better for "social encounters".

I have one

Lastly, chill out a little bit. Last time we had a serious outage out here in CA, I chatted with the neighbors in the dark with my snubbie under a light jacket just in case.

That one's kind of patronizing, Bill. You don't know me and you shouldn't be so ready to assume what I'm like; nowhere do I indicate even anxiety. If we were to meet, you'd find I'm one of the least jumpy folks you'll say hello to. You're behaving as if I'm here raving. Pardon me Bill, but where do you see any excited behavior on my part? I loaded up some mags, put out the pistol rig so as to reach it, left the pistol out, ready for use...and then, in a panic, I went to sleep! That doesn't seem like somebody who needs to chill out, to me. ;)

As I have noted, I cannot carry concealed in my location without breaking the law. Concealing under a jacket is illegal for me. I hold a Class A High Capacity license to carry firearms, but Boston will not issue for concealed carry. They will only issue for sport/target and hunting; its the law and its wrong that that is the law but I'm not getting collared for it
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Bud Helms

Senior Member
Well, Chris, you opened this thread. It's your task to deal with the answers, comments and advice you may recieve without getting offended when it's not intended. I'm not especially interested in taking side here, but coming into this and reading through for the first time since about 30 minutes after you opened it, I have to say, you seem upset by Bill's post beyond what I would normally expect.


New member
My $.02.

Chris was right to be a little more vigilant with the power out. If criminals like darkness, they really like all the lights and some alarms being out. We have NYCs blackout in 1977 as a worst case example. Boston /= Silicon Valley

The reload issue was minor to me, but good preparation on the phone, and I've got a similar setup with a webbelt, GI holster and mag pouches.



Chris-B:get out of dodge.there are places near that you can live in better than Boston.I lived in roxbury jackson sq.for 10 yrs.till it fille up with Kennedy imports from the south.I pistol whipped one person and pulled on two others.
nothing happened as they could not get out of there fast enuf.there will be a burning in that town some day.I lived for 45 yrs in medway.now I have the ideal spot 90 acres,field and timber.self sustaining if needed.I am quite familiar with the sirens. liberals have ruined the city.at least when the mafia had control there was no crime unless the mafia allowed it.the bad men took it out of boston.I talked to a few that were nabors.:rolleyes::eek:


New member
I made a mistake though, which I saw this morning- the two mags I loaded up and put in the mag pouch were all re-loads. The 7 in the 1911 were all factory though. But I never should have put re-loads in the other two mags. I won't repeat that mistake should a similar situation come up again.
I'm a little confused. Why would reloads be an issue? Are yours unreliable?

Re-loads can be an issue because it has been reported in some cases, that when a homeowner uses a handgun to defend him or her self, that the use of re-loads is used to introduce the question of a 'bloodthirsty' attitude on the part of the homeowner, as in "normal factory loads are not good enough, this man concocted a special recipe and longed to use it on a human"

Really?? And what cases would those be? Can you cite specific examples?

I think you are repeating an urban legend.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Nope, it's not an urban legend. It is taught and written about, by "expert witnesses".

I can't quote an example, but there is one member here that can. Maas Ayoob. Maybe others.

An individual chooses to believe it or not. The bottom line is the people that teach it don't say it's right, it's just the way it is. The way testimony of expert witnesses is used by prosecutors and fallacies in the jury system contribute to a desired output that isn't always just or fair, but predictable.


New member
I have always heard the reload story but don't concur with it. If you are a meticulous reloader and the load is not some Dr Jekyl mix I see no issue. If anything I see a clear advantage. I know the primer, powder and bullet it is individualy loaded and quality checked by me personally. It has been chronographed It is the same load I practice with and I don't have to worry the misfire or overload issue. Unless I was out hunting in the back alleys the prosecution can not make the "sadistic reloader" approach work. The individual in question found me. I did not find him. I did not instigate the confrontation, I was the victim. The only other possible issue would be in the case of an innocent being hit . I would rather explain that I practice with the ammo than explain I don't buy the expensive stuff to practice with, I use other practice ammo that has a different point of impact. Under the stress of the situation is it possible that you aimed incorrectly?:eek:


I have always heard the reload story but don't concur with it.

You dont have to concur as long as you recognize that the ptoential is there (and that it has happened in the past)

Avoid doing things you may have to explain to a jury.

WildcuzyoumaygetyourasshandedtoyouAlaska TM

PS...Rest assured, even now, waay out of my prime and out of practice, I could make any regular joe reloading defendant look like a "sadistic reloader" under cross examination

Sorry Bud, simultaneous posts


New member
Sorry Bud I started the post prior to seeing yours. I am a slow typer.:( I also concede to experience WildAlaska.